Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The P R S of being Sick

*Palsy IS Paralysis or uncontrolled movement of controlled muscles.
There was a lady who was so animated. She came into the durable medical place where I worked to get something for her husband. One side of her face was not moving. She had Bell's Palsy. She assured me it would pass. And it did.

Paludismo IS This is the name of Malaria in Puerto Rico
Like we are going to run right down there and get it.

Paralysis of the insane IS Syphilis.
Will we ever be finished with Syphilis?

*Paroxysm IS Convulsion

Pemphigus IS Skin disease with watery blisters

*Pericarditis IS Inflammation of heart

*Peripneumonia IS Inflammation of lungs

*Peritonotis IS Inflammation of abdominal area
Why does it sound so much like a gum disease?

Petechial Fever IS Fever with skin spotting

Puerperal exhaustion IS Death from child birth

*Phthiriasis IS Lice infestation
When I was a little girl, about 8 as I remember, we went to Grand Forks, ND to see the Shrine Circus. It was in the early fifties. I wanted a cowboy hat, I wanted a cowboy hat and so did my friend, Judy. But all we got where balloons. I was told I could NOT have a cowboy hat and if I would just stop harping I would get a balloon. Well, there were a lot of kids there with cowboy hats and they had white rags under theirs. I wasn't sure why they did but I was from a small town, what did I know? If you were born in the forties, you know parents did not give complete answers. It was not the era of explaining. Later, I learned the kids had head lice. But why were they wearing white rags? I realized MUCH later that I didn't get a hat because if one of the infested kids tried the hat on, I would get head lice too. THEN I remembered how Grandpa had lit his hair on fire to get rid of them.

Phthisis IS Chronic wasting away or a name for tuberculosis

Plague IS An acute febrile highly infectious disease with a high fatality rate

*Pleurisy IS Any pain in the chest area with each breath
Believe me this hurts like a son of a gun. I found laying on the sun warmed driveway made it feel much better.

*Podagra IS Gout

Poliomyelitis IS Polio

Pott's disease IS Tuberculosis of spine

Puerperal exhaustion IS Death from childbirth

Puerperal fever IS Elevated temperature after giving birth to an infant

Puking fever IS Milk sickness

Purpura IS HENOCH-SCHONLEIN PURPURA:Symptoms: Purple spots on the skin (purpura), usually over the buttocks, lower legs, and elbows; hives, joint pain; abdominal pain; nausea;vomiting; diarrhea; bloody stools; painful menstruation

Putrid fever IS Diphtheria.

*Quinsy IS Tonsillitis. I had a friend who had this. She was 14 and was in the peds ward. If Quinsy IS tonsillitis how come her mother said she had quinsy? Was that worse? I was glad I turned 15 before my appendix blew up, at least I didn't have to be with the crying babies who my friend held because the nurses were too busy. Labor shortage or child labor?

Remitting fever IS Malaria

Rheumatism IS Any disorder associated with pain in joints
Know the song?
Rheumatism, rheumatism,
when it rains, when it rains
Up and down the system, Up and down the system
Oh the pain, oh the pain.

Rickets IS Disease of skeletal system

Rose cold IS Hay fever or nasal symptoms of an allergy

Rotanny fever IS Children's disease

*Rubeola IS German measles

*Sanguineous crust IS Scab Ever pick off your sanguineous crust when you were bored?

*Scarlatina IS Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever IS A disease with a red rash

Scarlet rash IS Roseola
Oh I Know this one. My daughter, Rachel was just starting to sit up. So she was about six months old. She got a fever. That is all she got and it wouldn't stay down. THEN she broke out in a rash just like the doctor said she would. If you look really hard at a picture of her taken at Weaver's Department Store, you can see it.

*Sciatica IS Rheumatism in the hips
This is my demon.

Scirrhus IS Cancerous tumors

Scotomy IS Dizziness, nausea and dimness of sight

*Scrivener's palsy IS Writer's cramp
I am getting this from keyboarding, does that count?

*Screws IS Rheumatism
No doubt you are screwed if you have it.

Scrofula IS Tuberculosis of neck lymph glands. Progresses slowly with abscesses and pistulas developing. Usually occurs in the young. Another tuberculosis site.

Scrumpox IS Skin disease, impetigo
I thought this was scum pox

Scurvy IS Lack of vitamin C. Symptoms of weakness, spongy gums, hemmoraging under skin.

Septicemia IS Blood poisoning
Some deaths in the family occurred do to this but someone lived because he put his arm in a burlap bag filled with fresh cow manure. Shirley tells the story wonderfully on the previous post. You must read it!

Shakes IS Shaking Chills, ague

*Shingles IS Viral disease with skin blisters
This is more common than one thinks. It is not only blistery but itches for a long time after the skin blisters are gone.

Ship fever IS Typhus

Siriasis IS Inflammation of the brain from exposure to the sun
Mother insisted I wear a hat to ride horse back, is this why?

Sloes IS Milk sickness

Small pox IS Contagious disease with fever and blisters

Softening of brain IS Result of stroke or hemorrhage in the brain, with an end result of the tissue softening in that area

Sore throat distemper IS Diphtheria or quinsy

Spanish influenza IS Epidemic influenza

Spasms IS Sudden involuntary contraction of muscle or group of muscles, like a convulsion

Spina bifida IS Deformity of spine

Spotted fever IS Either typhus or meningitis

Sprue IS Tropical disease with intestinal disorders and sore throat

St. Anthony's fire IS Also erysipelas, but named so because of affected skin areas are bright red in appearance

St. Vitas dance IS Ceaseless occurrence of rapid complex jerking movements performed involuntary

Stomatitis IS Inflammation of the mouth

Stranger's fever IS Yellow fever

Strangery IS A Rupture

Sudor anglicus IS Sweating sickness

Summer complaint IS Diarrhea, usually in infants caused by spoiled milk

Sunstroke IS Uncontrolled elevation of body temperature due to environment heat. Lack of sodium in the body is a predisposing cause

So, it that why they gave people in the service salt tablets?

Swamp sickness IS Could be malaria, typhoid or encephalitis

Sweating sickness IS Infectious and fatal disease common to UK in 15th century

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