Thursday, July 9, 2009


Does anyone out there in the universe really have a list of why friendships remain over the years?

Does anyone know why friends, even if you have not seen them for months or years, have the ability to join the rank and march on as if no time has past?

Why is it that as we become adults, regardless of our trials, we can, with friends, be adults and not have long periods of reminiscing as we do with relatives?

I have more questions than answers this morning as I salute Soozi on her Medicare birthday.

We are both retired.

We both made a major move.

She was involved with a young girls' organization while I led a brownie troop.

She had three children; a daughter and two sons, as did I.

She worked in a DME, (durable medical equipment) which included fitting CPAP, (continuous positive airway pressure), and so did I.

But it wasn't about what we did, it is about who we are. There is a kind of naturalness here that true friendship IS. Neither of us led the friendship nor did either of us follow.

Wake Up, Little Susie!

Happy Birthday.


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