Friday, August 13, 2010


Old Trunks has been haunted of late. Soozi sent me pictures taken at a reunion in our home town. The pictures included an adorable lanky stud I dated and adored in high school. I have had flashing images of him from the past the last waking hours.

Perhaps even you, dear reader, have wondered how and where old flames are now. In the Internet world, on sites like Facebook, who knows what one may find. It is safe looking on line and if you do find a picture, you can look and wonder and move on.

But when a great friend writes to tell you they saw him and he asked about you, well, it is a little closer to the center of the soul. I guess if I was asking, I would want to know if they are alive and well and approaching seventy that may be all one would really need to know. Why ask at all? Because, I think, we wish the best for everyone, well nearly everyone, we knew.

This happened to me before. My sweet Thomas is a blast from the past and in many ways a true connection that lasted almost 40 years before a reconnect. After Tom's family moved away, I didn't see or hear from him although he told me of late he wanted to come back and see me.

I have three amazing children, who have the genes of two parents that make them what they are. One can not go back and wonder what they would have been like with different parents. Anymore then one can wonder what would have happened it the adorable one with the '49 Ford would have been in my life longer. I was his 7-11 shift, his other girl friend was 11:15 - close.


Wouldn't you?


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