Thursday, July 12, 2007

ABC of Feeling Yucky

Lay a scrap of paper by your keyboard. Make a mark for every illness you have had and ones your friends and family have had. Mine are * at the beginning of the word.

*Ablepsy IS Blindness
She came into the retail side of the durable medical equipment company I worked for in Lawrence, KS. She obviously was being led and waving a white cane. And she said, "I want a blue recliner."

*Ague IS Malarial Fever
My brother had a round of this while stationed in the Dominican Republic

American plague IS Yellow fever
Mostly in the tropics, carried by mosquitos

Anasarca IS General massive edema

*Aphonia IS Laryngitis
Son Bud had this during the performances of the yearly musical in high school. He was supposed to sing "Splish, Splash". He mouthed it and played the part on stage while someone behind the curtain actually sang.

*Aphtha IS Infant disease "thrush"
This was also common in oxygen patients who didn't rinse well after using inhalers.

*Apoplexy IS Paralysis from stroke
Grandpa Phil had a stroke and was in bed for nine years.

*Asphycsia /Asphicsia IS Cyanotic ( lack of oxygen )
When chronic lungers are really sick this happens.

*Atrophy IS Wasting away
I have seen this on death certificates as a secondary cause of death

Bad Blood IS Syphilis

Biliousness IS Jaundice from liver disease

Black plague is Bubonic plague Black fever IS Acute infection with high temperature and dark red skin lesions, high mortality rate

Black pox IS Black Small pox

Black vomit IS Vomiting black blood due to ulcers or yellow fever

Blackwater fever IS Dark urine with high temperature

Bladder in throat IS Diphtheria (Seen on death certificates)

*Blood poisoning IS Bacterial infection; septicemia (Assoicated with appendix)
Andrew Opseth got this in his hand while farming.

*Bloody flux IS Bloody stools
This can happen when you have infection in your intestines.

Bloody sweat IS Sweating sickness

*Bone shave IS Sciatica
Me, me, me! I got da bone shaves!

Brain fever IS Meningitis

Breakbone IS Dengue fever

*Bright's disease IS Chronic inflammatory disease of kidneys
Bob Anderson had this as a teenager

Bronze John IS Yellow fever

Bule IS Boil, tumor or swelling

Cachexy IS Malnutrition

*Cacogastric IS Upset stomach
Is this the same as a child saying, "Mommie, my stomach hurts"?

Cacospysy IS Irregular pulse

*Caduceus IS Subject to falling sickness or epilepsy

Camp fever IS Typhus or Camp diarrhea

Canine madness IS Rabies, hydrophobia

*Canker IS Ulceration of mouth or lips or herpes simplex
I have a friend that is always fighting these.

*Catalepsy IS Seizures or trances

*Catarrhal IS Nose and throat discharge from cold or allergy
Someone I know that works in an office, stuffs a tissue in each nostril between clients

Cerebritis IS Inflammation of cerebrum or lead poisoning

Chilblain IS Swelling of extremities from exposure to cold

Child bed fever IS Infection following child birth

Chin cough IS Whooping cough

*Chlorosis IS Iron deficiency anemia
Bennie, the grand uncle had this. I thought he layed around a lot because of it. Another person I know had it too but he got B12 shots. His came about because most of his stomach was removed due to ulcers.

Cholera IS Acute, severe, contagious diarrhea with intestinal lining sloughing
I have heard about crapping out your intestines.

Cholera morbus IS Characterized by nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, elevated temperature, etc. Could be appendicitis

*Cholecystitus IS Inflammation of the gall bladder
They used to call it a sluggish gall bladder

*Cholelithiasis IS Gall stones
My grandparents both had surgery one summer. It was before Medicare. Grandpa told Daddy to just take him to the dump. Numerous cases of gall stones in the family. Our old doctor stated the general rule is one is FAT-FAIR-and FORTY.

Chorea IS Disease characterized by convulsions, contortions and dancing

Cold plague IS Ague characterized by chills

*Colic IS An abdominal pain and cramping
Bud was our colic kid. We made the holes bigger in the bottle nipples and sat him up to eat took care of it.

Congestive chills IS Malaria

*Consumption IS Tuberculosis
Common diagnosis for several years. Mother had tuberculosis; she spent 23 months resting.

*Congestion IS Any collection of fluid in an organ, like the lungs

Congestive chills IS Malaria with diarrhea

Congestive fever IS Malaria

Corruption IS Infection

*Coryza IS A cold

*Costiveness IS Constipation
Twice and that was enough

Cramp colic IS Appendicitis

Crop sickness IS Overextended stomach

*Croup IS Laryngitis, diphtheria, or strep throat
How many of you spent midnight to 2 a.m in a bathroom with the shower running to steam up the room to help your child breathe? That is when I learned about equal parts of gin, honey, and lemon juice. He either got drunk or it worked but it helped.

*Cyanosis IS Dark skin color from lack of oxygen in blood
The lung doctor in Kansas was always willing to feed oxygen in high numbers to dying patients so they would be pink; other physic ans did not do this. It is a lot easier to sit by a dying patient that is pink than black.

Cynanche IS Diseases of throat

*Cystitis IS Inflammation of the bladder
Some women in the nursing home insisted that cranberries were invented to stave this off.

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