Once again, think on these diagnosis and DON'T GET SICK ON ME as you do. After all, remember I am suffereing from bone shave! (grinning).
Day fever IS Fever lasting one day; sweating sickness
*Debility IS Lack of movement, staying in bed
*Decrepitude IS Feebleness from old age
I thought the word was decrepit
*Delirium tremens IS Hallucinations due to alcoholism
*Dentition IS Cutting of teeth
Did any one ever say, "Oh my baby is suffering from dentition?"
Deplumation IS Tumor of the eyelids causing hair loss
How can an eyelid tumor cause hair loss, is that only on your eye lids? How many of you have hairy eye lids?
Diary fever IS A fever that lasts one day
Diphtheria IS Contagious disease of the throat
Thank goodness for vaccinations
*Distemper IS Usually animal disease with malaise, discharge from nose and throat, anorexia
Lost a dog to this in the early fifties.
Dock fever IS Yellow fever
*Dropsy IS edema (swelling), often caused by kidney or heart disease
*Dropsy of the Brain IS Encephalitis Alas, another diagnosis seen on death certificates
Dry Bellyache IS Lead poisoning
Dyscrasy IS An abnormal body condition
Is this like Ying and Yang and the mixture is just not right or is it a unnamed disorder of the blood? Come on nurses, help me out here.
Dysentery IS Inflammation of colon with frequent passage of mucous and blood
Dysorexy IS Reduced appetite
Is this a diagnosis used on nursing home records for people who won't eat?
*Dyspepsia IS Indigestion and heartburn. Heart attack symptoms
*Dysury IS Difficulty in urination
Eclampsy IS Symptoms of epilepsy, convulsions during labor
*Ecstasy IS A form of catalepsy characterized by loss of reason
*Edema IS Nephrosis; swelling of tissues
*Edema of lungs IS Congestive heart failure, a form of dropsy
Eel thing IS Erysipelas EEL THING contagious skin disease caused by streptococcal infection with fever; also erysipelas, the evil or St Anthony's Fire
Elephantiasis IS A form of leprosy
Encephalitis IS Swelling of brain or sleeping sickness
Enteric fever IS Typhoid fever
Enterocolitis IS Inflammation of the intestines
Enteritis IS Inflations of the bowels
Epitaxis IS Nose bleed
Ever say this to a teacher? "I need to go to the nurses' office, I am experiencing a epitaxis!"
Erysipelas IS contagious skin disease, from Streptococci with vesicular and bulbous lesions
Extravasted blood IS Rupture of a blood vessel
*Falling sickness IS Epilepsy
*Fatty Liver IS Cirrhosis of liver
Fits IS Sudden attack or seizure of muscle activity I hate that word. It was used frequently by my grandparents. They weren't making fun of anyone. It was common use. But to say my uncle was having fits just sounded so bad!
Flux IS An excessive flow or discharge of fluid like hemorrhage or diarrhea Last time I am going to say I am in flux.
Flux of humour IS Circulation Nothing funny about this one.
*French pox IS Syphilis
Why? Because it was a "French" disease? I stopped eating at a restuarant because the manager referred to the dishwasher as "syphilic Freddy".
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