Saturday, April 5, 2008

Down on the Farm, Part One

In reading old newspapers, Old Trunks as found numerous references to animals and poultry. Many of these short blurbs are from the front page.

500 pounds of pork on the hoof, worked himself off the back of the truck he was riding in, then fell out. A wrecker was needed to put the animal back onto the truck. Red Lake Falls, Minnesota.

Detroit Lakes
A midget calf, 17 inches tall, 20 inches long and weighing 18 pounds, was born recently, northeast of this town. This is the second calf of a cow of Guernsey and Holstein strains and is in good health. The calf resembles a small dog with the white face black body. A normal calf at birth weights between 40 and 60 pounds

November 1940
Winter blizzard on Armistice Day
1,700 sheep died in the storm near Crookston
A dozen farmers in Crookston vicinity struggled in the raging storm Tuesday in an effort to save some of the 2000 sheep. Their fleece became so heavy laden with snow, and ice, and they were weighted down and a fell over.

Vickerstrom visited her grand mother in Argyle two months ago. She was given her grandmother’s cat. The plan was to take to her home in Grygla. Shortly after she returned home, the cat disappeared. After being away for two months, it return to her original home having fared well on its long journey.

Cow has 13 calves in nine years.
13 calves in nine years is a record of number of calves in this amount of time is owned by a Russell farmer who has a perfect figure 7 on the middle of her face. She recently gave birth to triplets, which brought her total offspring to 13 in nine years. She began her record-breaking career with one calf, then two, and three, and four. A total of seven of the calves lived, the quintuplets and her first calf and one of the triplets this year, died.

Turkeys survive 13 days in a snow bank at the Oris Olson farm of Goodridge. His dog happened to run across a hug drift and broke through the crust and the missing turkeys flew out.

A horse belonging to Victor Anderson was grazing along the edge of a nearby bluff and although generally considered a sure footed animal, the ground was too wet by a recent rain and Old Dobbin began to slip and Fall. Down he went, sliding on a sharp incline for about 10 feet, and then falling to a small ledge 20 feet below from which he bounded and then tumbled the remaining 45 feet in a sheer plunge. The veterinarian who attends the animal, stated that a similar accident probably wouldn’t happen again in a 1,000 years without resulting in certain death for the victim.

Chickens are known to come home to roost, but not by the method of certain yard fowl used well-defined traffic on a nearby highway. The bird came in contact with the windshield of a car. He kept right on going, crashed through the glass, swished by the drivers ear, swooped between two rear seat passengers, and went through the rear window.

Horse drops over dead during threshing operations on a farm in Kratka Township. Vet thinks it had a heart attack.


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