Monday, November 24, 2008


American consumer’s habits were changing and nature’s way of bleaching by exposure to sunshine was fast falling out of favor for more “modern” methods. By the end of the 1920s, a number of companies had begun making household bleach available. The earliest companies were: Clorox (1913) , Javex (1919), Purex, (1923), Zonite (1924) Laudrex (1937). Of those the first three were the major producers of bleach bottles found by collectors and diggers today.

Clorox Company began 1913 in Oakland, Ca
Bottled bleach in plain Unembossed bottles 1918-1928
1928 Company went public
1929-1930 base embossed with company logo
1931 first shoulder embossed bottles appear
1940 screw top appeared
1945 pattern added to shoulder area
1945- Gallon jug appears
1962 glass bottles disappear

Asa Eldredge, a medic in World War I, wanted a way to sterilize bandages. He and his brothers started the Hilex bleach company in St. Paul. At the height of Hilex popularity, the Hi and Lex gnomes, shaped like bleach drops, walked in parades. Asa kept them in his garage. sanitizing products ~William Eldredge, St. Paul, MN

Mother used bleach on everything. Her clothes were bleached then hung out to sun bleach. No wonder clothes were faded. The whites were white!

As Old Trunks writes, she wonders if the problem with the septic tank had to do with the amount of harsh chemicals she poured into the toilets and washing machine each week messing up the natural progression of septic break down bacteria.

The odd thing about it is she was so certain she was sterilizing everything. The word to look at is sterile, for certain, she sanitized.

The gallons of bleach left our home after the the children where out of diapers. Talk about mixing soiled nappies with bleach, oooo makes my eyes water even now. May I ask you this? Have you ever been in a laundromat when women are washing diapers?

The new washing machines, with the load door on the front use less soap. The bleach dispenser is very small.

Close your eyes and smell your home when you were little? Do you smell:




Lye soap



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