Monday, November 3, 2008


In 1901, The Minneapolis YMCA offered classes that were billed as "Education for Busy Men".

OUR EVENING CLASSES ARE FOR YOU who at an early age have been compelled to leave the school room to earn your own living. Until now you have had little or no chance to fit yourself mentally for the place in advance of the one you occupy at present.

ARE FOR YOU who have had a good chance for such training but have neglected it. The fault was your own. You regret the mistake now, and are glad of the opportunity to improve yourself.

ARE FOR YOU who want special work. You are interested in business, mechanical or electrical engineering, drafting, and economics. We can help you.

ARE FOR YOU who have been pursuing a certain line of work and wish something more advanced. Our advance courses are a features this year.

ARE FOR ANYONE with ambition and who is willing to sacrifice some of his leisure time out of working hours for advancement. Positions of responsibility and trust are hard to fill. A few young men can qualify. A prominent bank cashier of Minneapolis says, Many times we are asked to recommend a young man to fill some responsible place in business and are unable to find one." No young man can afford to put off longer the important question of better preparation for life work.

What about the women?


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