Monday, November 17, 2008


If my grandfather had studied zoology more diligently, he would have had considerable satisfaction from the study of the human louse and he would have never been at a loss for specimens. Of course he got these lice from the Swedes.

Grandpa would tell you there seems to be all shapes and sizes; some run fast and some wiggle along. We all know they bite and multiply rapidly.

Grandpa had lice in his hair. We know the intense cold would not kill them. No one in his right mind would try to kill them on their head with boiling water.

Grandpa, now separated from the Swedes and the lice and not believing in the beatitude:

Blessed are the crumby (who have body lice)
For he knoweth the benefit of a scratch.

Grandpa, instead, used kerosene in his thick hair, hopeful it would kill the lice. When the lice did not die, he poured more kerosene on his hair and lit a match to it. Burned off his hair and killed the lice. He remained true to that story until he died at 98. He also said that his hair came in curly. Believe it or not!


Tom and Elodee Johnson celebrate their tenth anniversary today.

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