Sunday, September 6, 2009

SCHOOL DAZE Children's time

All three children had the same teacher for second grade. Some of that is good, except the two older children stated later, they really didn't like her very much. Before Ryen started second grade, the teacher walked by our house and she was told not to compare him with the other two, he was, after all an individual. Perhaps it worked. If I where a teacher, I would find it easy to see traits and patterns of households. Most of it would be good but I would be looking for some of the same habits as well.

When it came to my children, I was a she bear watching her cubs. NOTHING brought out the claws and teeth like something stupid teacher's did and blamed the kids for it.

It was typical for teachers to hand out dittos to children to color. And, like clock work, that cat appeared on the first day of October, as it did every day throughout the month. So much so that by the time conferences came around for Rachel, the last drawing was a purple colored cat and the teacher found it worrisome. But it wasn't worrisome, it was a case of giving a very bright child yet another ditto of the same cat. October 1 cat was just the way it should be; Rachel was bored and rebelled. Wouldn't you?

Bud did well also. Her comment was "he hurries to get done with his work so he can visit with his buddies". Without looking at a report, I knew he, like his sister, was going to get a minus in hand writing. Did anyone, except for one girl whose name started with T ever get anything else? As for hurrying, he checked his work, his marks where excellent, why didn't she match him up with a foreign student or someone who found class work hard, he could mentor. Why hadn't she seen that? Doesn't that seem like a simple solution?

And then, came Ryen. Another bright light in the Anderson children. He, too, did well and this time got a minus in hand writing because it was writing in Old English with a calligraphy pen when he was supposed to be learning cursive, which was called long hand.

With each of them, the brightest lights on the block, we agreed that when it came to having hand writing lessons to apply their best. The important thing was to spend some time doing it write, although the teacher still expected all to be perfect. Momma bear still growls when she thinks about it.

What the teacher never did accomplish was molding hand writing to match the girl that started with T. If you saw their hand writing now, you would be happy to see that after a few years of experimenting, each of them fell into a groove of their own.

For reasons which aren't important in this post, I am looking at a year book from my graduation year. Not everyone graduated as if they were the girl with the name starting with T. This helps all of us understand that once the lessons of how to write the letters is behind us, we all find our groove, except of course, if you are Miss T. :)


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