Looking North from South First - Addresses and buildings listed are:
Thoreson Second-Hand Store (101 South LaBree.)
Ogahmah Hotel (109 South LaBree)
The Brummond Hotel (116 South LaBree),
Morgan's (118 South LaBree),
Lieberman's (120 South LaBree)
If you have been a Thief River Falls resident, then you need to think about where this Second Hand Store was. Remembering that First Street, (or as it was called Bridge Street) is the street which separates north from south just as Main Avenue separates east from west.
That means the Second Hand Store and all the others mentioned where where the hospital and all the other medical buildings are now. Surprise you? Yes, me too. I was certain it was the block where the post office is, but that is NORTH LaBree. As a genealogist, it doesn't add up to me. Why would all of these buildings be right on top of the saw mill next to the river? Can I get this question answered?
If the addresses are correct, The Second Hand Store was on the west side, (uneven numbered) street as was the Ogahmah Hotel. The rest of the buildings mentioned, are on the east, or the even side, which is the address of the medical center.
Does it matter?
Does to me and to think I started out to visit about second hand shops!
I wrote to the source, she fixed it, it is SUPPOSED to be NORTH LABREE. That puts the Ogahmah Hotel in the present parking lot south of the present post office. When one finds something one questions, try to find someone who knows the answer or can fix the problem.
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