The bottle in the picture is of Kickapoo Sagwa, another product manufactured by the company in Connecticut. It had the following ingredients and according to the label, if you had a specific symptom, which was on the label or box, this product was for you! Let's hope your brain is NOT loose!
Gentian Root
Acts as a tonic and increases appetite
HEAD Vertigo, frontal headache, brain feels loose, head tender and aching in eyes
THROAT Dry, thick saliva
STOMACH Acid rises, nausea, hunger, flatulence
Creeping all over as if infested with fleas
Mandrake Root
Acts as sedative. It was a common belief in some countries that a mandrake would grow where the semen of a hanged man dripped on to the earth.
Rhubarb Root
When a child smells sour, he/she needs rhubarb
MIND Impatient, wants everything and cries a lot
HEAD Sweat on scalp
MOUTH Much saliva, teeth feel cool
STOMACH Desire for all foods but bores with it easily
ABDOMEN Colicky pain around navel
RECTUM Before stool, unsuccessful urging to urinate
Senna Leaves
Aniseed Red Cinchona Bark
Fever, Flu
Yellow Dock Root
STOMACH Tongue sore on edges, hiccoughs, can’t eat meat, pain in stomach shooting to chest which extends to chest even while talking.
RESPIRATORY Nose dry. Throat tickle, frothy mucous, turning stringy and tough.
STOOL Brown and watery in morning.
SKIN Itches
Dandelion Root
For gastric headaches, bilious attacks, mapped tongue and jaundice skin. Flatulence and cancer of the bladder
HEAD Heat on the top of your head
MOUTH Mapped tongue, covered with white film, film comes off in pieces leaving read sensitive spots
ABDOMEN Bubbles bursting in bowels
EXTREMITIES Restless limbs
FEVER Chills after eating
SKIN Night sweats
Burdock Root
Very important in skin health. Helps with pimples, acne, styes, and crops of boils.
EXTREMITIES Pain in hands, knees, ankles, fingers, and toes
FEMALE Uterine displacements.
Licorice Root
Licorice root has been used as a dietary supplement for stomach ulcers,
bronchitis, and sore throat, as well as infections caused by viruses, such as hepatitis
Helps build up tissue.
HEAD Feels full, throbs, mentally confused, severe head ache before menstruation
NOSE Stopped up or post nasal drip
CHEST Hacking cough
STOMACH Burning in stomach
URINARY Frequent urination
FEMALE Long lasting menses, general sense of exhaustion
EXTREMITIES Feet painful and hot
2008 according to a nutritional on line source:
Anise Seed is for gas
Sacred bank is for regularity
Rhubarb is for a healthy colon
Senna is for regularity
Yellow Dock is for healthy blood and liver and acts like a laxative
Dandelion root is for the liver
Burdock root is for the liver and acts as a purifier and general tonic
Licorice settles and coats the stomach.
Others NO mentioned are Gentian root, mandrake root, and cubebs.
There were no stinky children in the village of Rosewood because rhubarb was abundant. Even Uncle Bennie, who had a hand made trailer house across a creek and had a hole in the floor which was used as a toilet, had rhubarb.
I remember the trap door from when I was very little. Mother, Grandma Mae and I went to Bennie's to get rhubarb in a jeep and it was raining. After one of my cousins played with the door and fell out on a gravel road near Rosewood, no one was allowed to stay in the car; I was forced to go into Bennie's house and wait. I knew the trap door story and was certain if I had to have a bathroom time, I would have to figure out how to use it. The gathering of the rhubarb didn't take long and I relieved along the road, in the rain while sitting on the running board.
Bennie? He moved to town and lived on the corner of Knight Avenue and 13th Street. For years the old trailer sat behind the house. The last time I was by there, the little house still stood. Old Trunks will have to do a Bennie Ranum blog.
Meanwhile, we are hopeful you are not in need of mandrake root.
1 comment:
All of us Anderson's should have healthy colons given the amount of raw rhubard we all ate! I still love rhubarb!
All my grandkids love it too. When Jordan (9) would pick his first rhubarb of the season at Mom and Walt's house, by the time he got to the house he was already salivating, jusy remembering that first sour, salty bite.
We had 5 large rhubarb plants in our garden in Rosewood. We had been told to dig a deep hole, fill it 1/2 way with saw dust, put in the plant and fill with soil. It really did work too. We had 5 VERY healthy rhubarb plants.
When I was a kid, I'd pick nearly all the stalks from 1 plant every week. Rhubarb grows so fast that we always had a good supply of good rhubarb for eating raw, never "woody".
It didn't matter if it was woody for pies, jam or sauce because it was cooked in the process and made tender from the cooking.
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