Friday, April 25, 2008


I spent the day in the east room creating. The 24th of April has symbolism to me and I take advantage of it yearly. It is a day with no fences or boulevards. It is a day when no restrictions which may other wise apply may lead me somewhere I didn't know I was going. Well, even more than usual!

Thus was yesterday. I had die cut 30 frames and selected paper. The original idea was to sepia that many pictures. I did a half dozen or so and stopped, the pictures were boring. For the first time, I went another direction. I finished out the pages first with all the glitz and glitter, mounted the frames and commenced to write phrases and sayings about friendship.

The amazing, tingling thing that happened next was as I doodled away the time with pen and paper, people came to mind, (and heart) that truly fit the description of the phrases I had written. It is important for you to realize I did not have a list of names in mind when I started. I am, as you may know, a great maker of lists! The original idea was to use up the pictures I had but in the end, that was not so.
It is also important to point out this is not about family. The beginning idea was to use up the packet of old photos that didn't fit anywhere else, I am grateful to say that wasn't the finished product. In a sense, I spent the day inventorying the people in my life that were very special.

Perhaps one of the true blessings was that Ella was one of the first people that came to mind in the beginning of the friendship quotes and continued to weave throughout this pattern of friend's pictures I was formulating. And Shirley and Linda, how poor my life would have been this last year and months without reaching out and receiving from the two of you? Of course, Soozi was there, Soozi is ALWAYS there!

This unit of a dozen pages is as unique as the friendships I hold near and dear.

There are frames left unfilled. It is, for me, it is a signal there are other people to see, meet, and hopefully become mixed in the rainbow.

I spent 24 April lost in a world of special memories and friendships. April, the filly at started all this, would whinny about it!

Loving thoughts to you and yours.


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