Wednesday, November 19, 2008


As mentioned in yesterday's post about "Marcia , (MAR-see-ah), NOT Marsha", I would trade bottles of SWIPE for favors like rides to the doctor.

Now, WIPE WITH SWIPE was the bumper sticker on the door of the car. It was a pyramid scheme to make money off all the little pyramids running around out there in dirty land.

Someone would sign on and have a party. At the party the idea was to get all the guests to buy in. Some one in our family bought in and expected me to go door to door in a pregnant state and after and pedal these bottles of 16:1 concentrate for $2.95 a bottle. We only had a dozen x a dozen!

The idea was that Swipe could clean anything. Of course the hospitals did not see it at a disinfecting agent, !!But why not, it got it clean!!

While still in Lawrence, I cleaned the stain right out of some one's runner rug, only for it to go through to the carpet and leave the stain. We slept in a meeting room in a hotel downtown Ottawa waiting for people to come and by in. There were no takers, nearly anyone really likes to go door to door and do cold sales, except of course, Girl Scouts.

The bulk of the SWIPE was stored in the back garage in Northwestern Minnesota. It froze and the labels fell off. It was hauled back to Kansas in a U Haul. The shine was off the silver, so to speak, and that is how I began trading SWIPE for rides.

Did it work? Was it safe? Was it safe on hands? The answer is not known. The only time I really used it was on a kitchen floor in a duplex with hundreds of layers of wax on it. Even at that I had to use a spatula to get the gummy old wax up.

Old Trunks is thinking about the products grandma used. I am certain they were limited. Borax comes to mind. May be a blog in there somewhere!

Did anyone call Judy Rambeck and wish her happy birthday yesterday?


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