The Rindal Lutheran Church is located in New Solum, Marshall County, Minnesota. For those of you who need to know exactly where that is: It is on the NE 1/4 section of the SE 1/4 section of section 27. It is about two and a half miles north of the village of Rosewood.
The congregation was organized on February 28, 1886 and took the name of Rindal Norske Evangeliske Kirke. It was affiliated with the Lutheran Free Church of America.
Of the twenty-nine charter members is Andreas Opseth and family.
Before the church was built, meetings were held in homes of the members or the school house. Remember we learned the school house was a log cabin at this time.
A frame church was erected in 1900 on a two acre lot donated to the congregations; first by a verbal promise as early as 1898 and by a deed of conveyance from Ole O Nyhus and Johanna, his wife on April 17, 1900 and later from Gustav Nakken who had contract to purchase the farm on which the church and cemetery were located.
This information comes from the warranty deeds gathered at the Marshall County Courthouse in Warren, MN.
It states that on the 17th of April, 1900, Ole O Hyhus and Johanne Nyhus of Red Lake County and the state of Minnesota did sell to the Rindal Scandivavian Evangelical Lutheran Church of the township of New Solum in the county of Marshall did sell for five ($5.oo) the following:
Commencing at a point where the public highway crosses the quarter line between the northeast quarter and the south east quarter in Section twenty seven (27) in Township 155 (155) north of range forty four (44), west of the fifth principal meridian in Minnesota, thence running east nine (9) rods along the said quarter line, thence south thirty five (35) rods parallel with the said highway, thence west ten (10 rods to the said highway, thence north to the beginning, containing two (2) acres situated in the section, township, and range aforesaid. Deed number 23584
History states the church had the same sort of arrangement with the Nakken's. It is dated February 23, 1909 and the land was sold for one ($1.00) dollar. Although the land around the church and cemetery have been bought and sold; there is no additional information to support that additional owners sold the land to the the church for any amount. It appears that when Nakken's sold the acreage to the church it became property of the church.
A Young People's Society was organized in 1917 and later reorganized as the Luther League. The purpose was to encourage and direct the social and religious activities of young people. The Society helps arrange special programs and do things to promote the welfare of the church.
The building committee put new front steps on the church
Picture taken of the altar at Christmas party
Service men were honored
Repainting of the inside and a rubber mat to protect the floor
Building and finance committee meets to discuss moving the church SOUTH of the cemetery.
NOTE: If the church had been moved to the south, it would have been on lower ground.
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