"As far as I can find, states the source, Alma Bloom was the first burial on May 17 1914. I went through all the permits for burial and that was the first one I found".
Who is Alma Bloom? She is the sister of Carl Bloom, their parents were John and Lotte Bloom. His name is listed as Johannes in the cemetery book and on the death certificate. Why are these people important to us?
Carl Bloom is the second husband of Nina Mellem Anderson. He was the step father to Lloyd and Newell. Olaf Anderson, Lloyd's birth father, died in October, when Lloyd was six and Newell, his older brother, would turn eight in December. We know that Andrew died in August of 1908 and is buried in the Rindal Cemetery. The question of why Andrew was buried at Rindal was a question for us until we learned the Wildwood Cemetery was not founded until 1909.
I would like to offer a caution to all of you regarding the Internet searches for cemeteries of your loved ones. I found one date of 1893 and another pointed to 1912 both for Wildwood Cemetery. We are fortunate that someone in the family actually has the books and could give us the begin date.
Our source for information didn't unroll the plat sheet stating, "It is so old and yellow." Therefore we do not have the lots and plots. However, as you walk into the cemetery, Mellem's and Bloom's are to the right. Olaf Anderson, Lois Arlene Anderson, and Newell Anderson share a headstone. Nina Mellem Anderson Bloom and Carl Bloom are back further on the right side. As are Alma and Arthur Bloom, and Thorinus and Pauline Mellem.
On the left side of the gate, in the second row, Julia Olette Olson Rye, Henry Rye, Murvin Rye, and Oliver N Rye are buried. The next row in this area is where Lloyd Paul Anderson is buried, (third row from the fence).
We know that John Sor sold the land to the Wildwood Cemetery Association. We know John Sor was at 'rest' on May 20, 1921. What we didn't know was how did Joel Sjoberg or Shoberg as it was later changed to, was involved in the land, because, according the the minutes in the cemetery burial book, he gave land to the Wildwood Cemetery in 1944.
Read on for the answer:
With the passing away of John Johnson Sor last Wednesday evening goes one of the very first Swedish pioneer settlers in this community, he having been a resident of this place for 88 years. He homesteaded the quarter section of land which had been his home ever since. Obviously the obituary has an error. He was 79 when he died.
Deceased was born in Norra Finfallet, Sweden on May 9, 1842. He immigrated to this country in 1881 and lived until 1883 at Ishpeming, Michigan, when he came to Marshall County. He was united in marriage to Miss Johanna Johnson of Kopparberg in 1864 who survives. Surviving also are one daughter, Mary Shoberg, and grandson, Joel Shoberg. Their daughter, Mary was buried at Wildwood in 1935, as is her mother, Johanna who died in 1933 at the age of 98.
With the passing away of John Johnson Sor last Wednesday evening goes one of the very first Swedish pioneer settlers in this community, he having been a resident of this place for 88 years. He homesteaded the quarter section of land which had been his home ever since. Obviously the obituary has an error. He was 79 when he died.
Deceased was born in Norra Finfallet, Sweden on May 9, 1842. He immigrated to this country in 1881 and lived until 1883 at Ishpeming, Michigan, when he came to Marshall County. He was united in marriage to Miss Johanna Johnson of Kopparberg in 1864 who survives. Surviving also are one daughter, Mary Shoberg, and grandson, Joel Shoberg. Their daughter, Mary was buried at Wildwood in 1935, as is her mother, Johanna who died in 1933 at the age of 98.
Mr. Sor was ill only four days and the direct cause of his death was heart failure due to the infirmities of old age. He was of a religious nature and a strong supporter of the Swedish Mission Church. Burial took place at the Wildwood Cemetery, located on his farm, on Friday afternoon with Rev. Verner Drotts of Viking conducting the ceremony. The body was escorted to its last resting place by about 75 friends and neighbors.
I did not find a government land grant for section 3, township 155 which is were the Sor property was. I do think there is an error in the keyboarding, as everything adds up except it states section two instead of three. It also has the correct time frame for working the land and living on it and making improvements before he would receive his land grants.
For those of you familiar with the area, you know where the road in and out of Rosewood is AND where the cemetery is. The Sor land is where the Copeland's lived AND there is a triangle of land connected to this acreage which is on the east side of the road. That is where the Wildwood Cemetery is.
It makes sense that if Joel Sjoberg was a grand son of John Sor, he would be involved in the property mentioned as being sold to the Wildwood Cemetery. It is my guess that when it was surveyed the numbers were off. Remember Olaf Opseth had big feet when he surveyed the land.
Joel Shoberg inherited the farm, this, I believe, is where Lloyd and Ella lived when they were first married. It is the place the rats would steal the chicken off the table.
I think before we move away from the history of the cemetery, we need to talk about some of the other pioneers who lived in this area.
Happy Birthday to Juanita Dawn Watne!!!
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