Monday, December 24, 2007

The Glue That Holds it All Together

Grandfathers are marvelous people. There should be a T Shirt that says, "When no one else listens, ask grandpa".
Grandpas teach you things in a way that you never forget them. Grandmas get the project started and Grandpas do the maintenance.
Jillian needed more glue for her project; she needed grandpa. Need is important. To express one's need is even more important.
Grandpas are handsome. Never mind if they are pendulous, grey haired, smell funny, or are bald. The have a kind of knight in shining armour. They may have hair in their nose and ears, dress in flannel shirts or bib over alls. They may wear a belt AND suspenders at the same time and we may not know what any of that means; what matters is in our eyes, they have a king like look that we never forget.
My own Grandfather, a pendulous man that drank his coffee from a saucer before he put his teeth in his mouth in the morning, was a true king to me. He had a laugh that came from his belly. I never thought of him as anything but in total wellness. He knew everything I ever needed to know and seemed to understand my broken questions. He did things for and with me that my parents did not do.
Granted, my parents did not think bringing in a field mouse in a barrel into the kitchen so I could watch it run around the perimeter inside said barrel was their idea of entertainment; it was a grandpa thing.
Grandpa things were special; there is a cloak of magic. Perhaps Grandpa's are just human beings that are older and smell funny.
When my Grandfather played cards, there was a kind of energy that emitted. I hadn't thought about it for decades. Last night, while playing cards with a group of people, someone in the group had some expressions and table thumping like Benhard. I recognized it immediately.
Let's hope something triggers a memory of someone special at Christmas.
Joy to your world

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