Sunday, December 9, 2007

Season's Greetings, Merry Christmas, Peace on Earth

Carl and Nina Bloom sent this card at Christmas in 1960. It was taken outside their house on State Avenue in Thief River Falls. Do you wonder if the picture was taken with the intention of putting it on a card OR is it just such a great picture of both of them, they decided to use it? Although I am mildly amused by the typed Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bloom, we know that married couples this age were referred to as Mr. and Mrs.. In doing genealogy sometimes it is hard to track people because the women's first name is lost in marriage.

This is the photo Christmas card sent out by Lloyd and Ella Anderson for 1962. They are featured in their living room with their grand children, Larry Gene Schneider and Susan Marie Anderson. We know it isn't photo shopped, meaning the people weren't put on a back ground with the tree. Getting cards made was somewhat of a slow process. Where the Schneider's and the Anderson's at Lloyd and Ella's house early in the Christmas season? The time and date is lost we accept it as a early pictures of Susan and Gene.

This is a picture of Rachel Anderson. It was taken specifically for a Christmas Card with a Brownie Hawkeye with a flash. It may have been taken as early as Halloween. I had the pleasure of taking several pictures. She liked to spin the wheel and the poinsettias sort of glopped together on one side by the time we got a sit down picture.
Think about how well old photograph Christmas pictures preserve. Think about the weight of the paper it is printed on. Although expensive in comparison to boxed cards, it does freeze a time of the subjects. Look in your own albums and boxes of pictures for this sort of greeting. Look at the quality!
But where are these people shown in the above pictures now? What do they look like? Are they still living?
Shall we address this tomorrow?

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