For those of you who have old 8mm film or even a video camera that records on VHS OR a camera that you record TO a VHS tape, you know what an editing nightmare it is. It is on my list of things to do this summer.
Randomly, I picked out a tape, the first few minutes were of a moose running across a field. I must have very excited because I would pan the moose and without turning off the camera, get part of the vehicle, and do it again. Why in the name of heaven I didn't just keep the camera on the moose is beyond me. The only time I am in full zoom and focused directly on it is when it is taking a dump. When finished, it started to gallop once again and I continued with the pan, get part of the car, and pan some more. I don't know if it was a bull or a cow, if a bull, his antlers had fallen off. I wonder if it was running 35mph like authorities claim?
I am fascinated by them. I have never been closer than the video. I haven't seen them in zoos. Why do they have elk and deer but no moose?
In the mid forties paper, there is an article about the first survey of big game in Minnesota. The took several flights over game refuges and sate parks to find 71 elk and 1,800 moose. In Minnesota, there is an area called the Northwest Angle which is bordered on the south by Lake Superior, numbers were lower than expected in that area. The Red Lake Refuge appears to be around the Lake of the Woods, (shore line of 65,000 miles). The greatest herd count for elk and moose were both in this area. This game preserve district is about thirty five hundred square miles.
It isn't like a moose is going to wander into town, although it did just that a few years back. Came right into the school yard, Ella said. Imagine that!!! A moose on the loose!
Another article about moose was report as a yearling bull. He was first spotted from an airplane on 2/29 about 70 years ago. (I bet you are thinking I am going to say they spotted him again recently and he was dead). The article is it says his coat was in good condition, he had no injuries, nor did he have any ticks on his hide BUT he didn't have any fat which indicated poor nutrition.
How do you know if a moose is sick? The walk in circles, bed down a lot and stay in a small are for some time. If you added scream and shout, you would think it was Old Trunks.
My youngest son had a favorite stuffed animal called Montgomery Moose. He was the leader of the Get Along Gang. Yes, a product of a cartoon. He got him as a gift from his brother for Christmas.
Shirley sent me the cutest clip I have ever seen recently.
http://www.maniacworld.com/twin-baby-moose-in-sprinkler.html If you haven't seen this, it is worth the look. It is precious.
http://www.maniacworld.com/twin-baby-moose-in-sprinkler.html If you haven't seen this, it is worth the look. It is precious.
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