Sunday, August 17, 2008


Have you ever thought about how in the late 1800's and early 1900's the life expectancy was 47? The old death certificates list infection as common cause of death. With the invention of antibiotics, better nutrition, and hygiene at least three decades have been added to our life span.

Even though the new drugs of the forties saved countless lives previously lost to pneumonia and strep, we have created monster strains of drugs that are resistant to antibiotics.

For those of us who were born in the mid forties, no matter what the illness, a shot of penicillin, that wonder drug, was in order. The first question we asked when going to the doctor was, "Do I have to have a shot?" Our parents, who felt helpless before antibiotics, now felt there was a line of defense when their children were ill. No one knew the over use would lead to the release of the beast.

When my children were little, good ol Dr. Lessenden did not give drugs unless they were needed. He taught us, as parents, the three day rule. And most of the time, the viral symptoms would follow, for which antibiotics were of no value. There was always a clause: If you feel they are too sick, do bring them in.

I would wonder about the direction we really need to go, leaving the medication for true bacterial infections that need the pharmacy. Is Lactoferrin, sold as a supplement in natural food stores, an answer to keep friendly bacteria in our intestines. Beyond breast milk, where the natural product exists and keeps babies in wellness, we don't hear much about it.

What about the studies in Japan, where doctors give babies lactoferrin for ear infections? The good bacteria surrounds and kills the bad bacteria. Instead of RX doing the job. I am wondering too, if people with immune system degeneration and folks on chemo would benefit.

We know that our intestines are a bed for natural floral and fauna and when we take antibiotics, which don't know the difference between good and bad bacteria, every thing is killed off. We are told to re-balance our gut by taking yogurt with our pills. What if we could skip the yogurt and work on getting ourselves well without the need to re-fortify.

I am reminded of a time when one of my children was ill. It wasn't the medicine he didn't want, it was the yogurt!


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