Monday, August 18, 2008


Old Trunks promised to up date on the Vitamin C week at the lake. I have been back to the post to see just which experiments were in my mind. If you go back and read it, it doesn't claim to do anything for memory!

The initial plan was to take 4-500mg a day. I packed half of that, Vitamin C doesn't claim math skills either! One with coffee in the morning and one before I went to bed at night.

You may or may not know that I have arthritic hands. You may know that I really do like to fish for bass using top water lures in the slop, which in this case means reeds/weeds/cat tails/bull rushes, and lily pads, all mixed together which means pulling that fish up and over or in some cases through the junk with a hope he is still on the hook at boat side.

This is northern Minnesota. One can not compare a five pound bass here with a bass in the south. A five pound bass here is considered to be twelve years old. Twelve years it has avoided the hook.

With that in mind, think about casting steady for six hours. A cast and retrieve is less than a minute. We are talking about 350 casts +/- in that amount of time with a seven foot nine inch rod for a short person.

Amazingly the day of fishing did not end because of my hands, except the last day when I had a four plus pounded stuck in bull rushes on the Leech River and getting it into the boat meant a lot of hard work and some finesse coaching from Tom. My hands stung. I had to stop because the strength was gone for that sort of presentation. I switched to a lighter rod and went to worms pitching side arm.

So from a stand point of arthritic hands, yes, I believe there was a big difference.

As for toxic, it is hard to know the answer. Perhaps the best way to answer that is to say once I was awake, I had the energy needed to fish hard. Although I caught many fish during the day, I also set the hook and poked Tom several times during the night, although Vitamin C has no claims for remembering what you dream as some of the B complex claim.

Consider a week of experimenting. Might be surprised at such a simple solution.


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