Thursday, September 4, 2008


The expression is: He/She is the salt of the earth.

According to the answer it means: "Anyone regarded as the finest of his kind is the 'salt of the earth.' The expression comes from Matthew 5:13, where Jesus, speaking to his disciples, says: 'Ye are the salt of the earth.Ye are the light of the world.'"The "salt of the earth" are the multitude of common, decent hard-working folk. "Everyday" people, unsung heroes. They are vital to our communities.

Other answers include wisdom.

Why am I talking about this?

Old Trunks recieved a package today. It had a set of mallard salt and pepper shakers in it. They had been Ella Rye Anderson Steinhauer's. I had asked her daughter to send me a set of one of Ella's collection.

I think about Ella a lot. Knowing I was unwrapping something of hers, gave me a chance to think about her again including her wisdom and her worth to all who knew her.

I only connected it with salt because when I unwrapped one of them the paper was full of salt.

A little over my shoulder for good luck from someone who was the salt of the earth.


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