Monday, December 3, 2007

What Color is Magic?

Today is Ella's birthday~~She is 92. Happy Birthday, Ella and thanks for the memories.

I know there are a zillon pictures of you, this is one of my favorite because it is what you are. You represent all that one can be in a grandmother. You have led your grand children and great grandchildren along a path as tall and flowering as the hollyhocks in your front yard. For those who knew you in your petunia era, you have given us an image of a safe path to you. And we all appreciate that.

Here you are with a bag of little what nots that didn't mean a tinker without you. Here you are; changing the mood of the whiney crowd with a little Pluto puppet. Closest to you with red sleeves and reaching is Vincent Hagen, behind him with a band aid on his head is Bud Anderson, behind him in wet hair is Rachel Anderson. Looking at the camera is Brenda Hagen. Lisa Arnold has her hand over her mouth. Her friend from the cities, Angie, (no relation) is behind her. Shirley Hagen is in the chair, talking to someone out of the camera eye.

Ella. you always have had a sense of how to change the mood of the crowd and get children off in another direction without scolding them. Your house was always had a big enough, regardless of its size, to have room for everyone. It didn't matter what time you came to youe home, you graciously inviting everyone in. It was okay to unroll sleeping bags on the floor of your living room even if you had numerous empty beds upstairs.

And today, its your 92nd birthday, I am hopeful you are surrounded by loving friends and family although I know you had a party on Saturday. Let's hope people think if you this day and remember you with a card or call.

And for those of us who know you, may we always have a magic bag of our own.

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