Shirley writes:
"Brenda isn't the only animal lover..this is a baby rabbit that Vince picked up in a field that he was cultivating a firebreak in in about 1990. We thought the whole farm was gonna go that time. A fire in the Lake Agassiz (sp) Refuge. which is 1/4 mile behind our house. The baby fit in his closed fist when he brought it home to me. The fire was sooo bad coming across the refuge..I got all the pix and stuff that seemed important at the time in the car..I was home alone and we had fire trucks from Grygla, Goodridge, Middle River in our yard ready to attempt to save our farm. Needless to say, it was saved.
We had this baby bunnie until it was QUITE large. in our house as an orphan..it finally got big enough to fend for itself and it finally took off to find a mate!"
Shirley called to say that the bunny was rescued in early April. By the time Vince's graduation in late May, the bunny chewed off Shirley's hair while she was taking a nap on the sofa. She states she had a bald spot on her head the night of his graduation although she did not wear a barrett to cover it up!
On another topic....It is not certain just what year Nora and Louis bought the hotel in Spokane, however, Judy remembers being there when she was six years old. "I will try to ask Mom about Nora and Louie's Union Hotel. The Anderson kids got a real look at life at that hotel ... drunks coming and going, things going on we had never seen before except for **when he used to come to Rosewood!" That would be about 1950.