Louis Cloutier October 27, 1912-May 05, 2002
In the beginning of reading newspapers, Old Trunks was confused. It seems that one of the OTHER Rye families had a daughter named Nora too. There is information stating the OTHER Nora had a hotel in Rosewood.
The Nora we are talking about today is Nora, the fifth child of Henry T. and Julia O. Rye. Her sister, Ella, states that her sister had their father "wrapped around her little finger". Although there are stories about how poor the two of them were when they were first married, they appeared to find a vocation suitable to take care of their needs and others, as well.
Let's take a look at what the papers reported.
11 11 Marriage of Nora and Louis Cloutier announced
12 12 Nora and Louis wedding shower
8 12 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cloutier were entertained at the Albert Lappegaard home Sunday. (Mrs. Hazel Lappegaard was Nora's aunt~~a sister of Henry T. )
12 31 Nora and Louis Cloutier visit Nina Bloom
Dinner guests at the Rye’s were, Nora and Louis, Lloyd and Ella, Nina and LaVerne Bloom
May 1938
5 12 Mrs. Henry Rye visits Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cloutier
10 3 Clifford Rye visits Mr. And Mrs. Louis Cloutier in Perham
MARCH 1942
3 19 Clifford Rye returned home Monday after having spent sometime at Perham at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cloutier. Mr. And Mrs. Cloutier sold out their business there and left for Toledo, Ohio where Mr. Cloutier is now attending the National Meat Cutting School.
10 7 Louis T Cloutier SC2C of Farrragut, Idaho and Mrs. Louis Cloutier of Coeur de Alene, Idaho arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rye, parents of Mrs. Cloutier Monday. They plan to spend a few days visiting relatives before returning to Perham from there they will leave for the USNTS in Farragut, Idaho.
November 1944
Mrs. Louis Cloutier of Coeur D’Alene, Idaho arrived at her parental home, Mr. and Mrs. H Rye Sunday morning where she visited until Thursday
Mrs. Lloyd Anderson, Mrs. Louis Cloutier, S/Sgt. Clifford Rye, Ilene Rye, Oliver and Ralph Rye were callers at Thief River Falls on Monday afternoon
APRIL 1945
04 19 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cloutier left Wednesday night for Bradford, Virginia where Mr. Cloutier will be stationed in the navy. Mr. Cloutier has spent about a year overseas. He was with in the invasion of D Day
September 1945
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cloutier are expected to arrive at the H Rye home the first of the week from Norfolk, VA. Mr. Cloutier has received his honorable discharge from the Navy. He served in the Navy for 31 months.
JUNE 1947
06 19 Louis Cloutier of Spokane, Washington is spending a few days visiting
11 06 Mrs. Louis Cloutier of Garfield, WA and Mrs. Henry Rye spent a few days visiting at International Falls where they visited Clifford Rye and Family and also Ole Rye and Family.
It is not known just when Nora and Louis bought the hotel in Spokane. There are pictures of the Anderson family standing in front of it. It is understood the family went by train to visit them on a regular basis. Let's ask Ella via Judy if she knows!
Report to follow