If I appear to be harping about the same things over and over, then consider me an angel and let me play my harp.
As you know, I posted a picture of Buddy, the dog, yesterday. Shirley sent me a thank you. Shirley is like that; she appreciates. What I didn't know when I posted the picture was, I was going to find ANOTHER negative of the dog, this time, with Shirley.
What I didn't know when I scanned the old negative was that Shirley was little when Buddy lived with them. I just remember seeing the dog kick up dust on a full gallop to Rosewood. He would have been at least eight, perhaps even nine. I was certain he was an a young pup in 1962.
Next Thought
When Old Trunks closed its blog with the idea of a shared 17th, it did not know that Soozi the quilter would come forth to share that Saturday was also her husband's birthday. It gives the date even more reason to keep it on the calendar. I think I can say we are in agreement to keep November 17.
Next thought
I am, as some of you may know, a feng shui follower in a western sort of way. Although I do not design in a one-in-this-corner-and-one-in-this-corner-and-they-have-to-match- sort of pattern, I do realize within, a delicate sort of balance. I do move things about and change things up on a monthly basis; why I do this with 37 objects is because that is the number of years between seeing Tom. Although one may think it is silly, you may be doing it without knowing it.
We all live in households where things stay the same until something comes up at which time we may be into a change, if we choose. Let me explain; when Max the cat died last month, we got on the carpet cleaning rotation. Although I was complaining about having to move everything out to an email to Soozi, what I realized later was it was a good time for a transformation. I was sitting on the sofa and Tom could hear my design-in-a-mind working. He knows that when the room is put back together, it is going to look different. It is going to be an uncut block of wood. It is exciting to shake it up and see what happens following the feng shui concept. I would not purposely take everything out of a room just for the sake of looking at it as a new palate, however, I will take the opportunity to see what happens! It is certainly an opportunity to decorate for the holidays!
Feng shui is a discipline with guidelines that are compatible with many techniques of agricultural planning as well as internal furniture arrangements. Space, weather, astronomy, and geomagnetism are basic components of feng shui. Proponents claim that feng shui has an effect on health, wealth, and personal relationships.
It is a catch up, cluster thinking sort of day. Please consider in your trek with genealogy OR your life path, that little things mean a lot and are worth another glance. Maybe not for yourself but for others.