Thursday, July 17, 2008


If I asked my grand daughter to show me how to use a typewriter and how to change a ribbon, what do you think she would say? She is ten and she keyboards on a computer at school and in 2004, she was writing computer programs.

If I asked her how to make a phone call from a pay phone, would she know where there was in her town? We know that party lines and being courteous to the operator when asking for a number has long since passed.

If I told her the story about how when in sixth grade and the bottle of red ink slide down my desk while I was filling my pen and the bottle all spilled on my skirt. Does she know what a fountain pen is? Does she know how to fill it. Or would she ask, what is a fountain pen and what is ink?

If I storied to her about cranking the mimeograph machine and how the ink smelled, could this child with a vivid imagination and a fine mind grasp the concept? If I asked her to duplicate something what do you think she would tell me?

Three cent stamps of my childhood are now 42 cent stamps in her childhood. We didn't have zip codes, nor did we have area codes. You asked the operator for a number and stated the town. I am not suggesting she is writing letters as I did to my parents when I was at camp. I must add it was mandatory that at least two letters were written. Parents sent self addressed stamped envelopes and stationary with the camper. Now, if Jaeme wants to send a note, she does it with an email address, calls on a cell phone or text messages.

I am certain, however, that she could be dramatic and put on a skit on how salespeople should approach a customer and wait on people.

Manual Typewriter with Carrying Case•
49 Keys with 86 Symbols•
Margin Stop with 8 Stop Tabs•
Space Bar with Repeater Key•
Variable Line Space•
Paper & Carriage Release Lever•
Ribbon Color Selector Switch•
Plastic Housing and Carrying Case•
24.8cm Carriage•
24.5cm Maximum Paper Length


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