To learn the answers, think about some of the movies which depict this era of time. "Good Old Summer Time" . starring Judy Garland is a good example.
We already know the answer; a form and also called a rat was laid under the up lifted hair. The hair was combed over it, and pinned in place. The bow may tie the rest of the hair back.
Let's talk about Hilda. Hilda was born in Georgetown, ND in 1883. After she was educated, she moved to Minneapolis to work. While there, she met Ray Skinner. They married. How dry is that?
Hilda and her husband were best man and matron of honor for Julia and Benhard in 1911. In the old newspapers, Hilda and her husband were mentioned as visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A Opseth and Mr. and Mrs. Benhard Ranum.
I always liked this hair style. There is something about an illusion of a high forehead that gives a person a image of intelligence. ME? Bangs! Always. Except once.
My hair was long on my 50th birthday and wanted to do my hair like the picture of Julia above. I teased and snarled, and sprayed and sprayed, and pinned and pinned, and poofed and poofed. Dah Dah! It was piled, pinned, poofed, and then.......as the day wore on, it plopped. I did not think about trying to find a form to put the hair over. By the end of the day, in was flopping from side to side like Marjorie Main in the old Ma and Pa Kettle movies.
I had tried a form once before, in was in my wig days. Bud was little. He was sick. The doctor's office was downtown in the bank building. The closest parking spot was a block away. It was March. It was windy. I was wearing a page boy wig. I had used a massive amount of toilet paper which was wadded up and pinned to my hair under the wig which was not pinned.
Half way across the downtown street, Bud grabbed the wig. Off it flew, down the street being carried by the wind. All that was left was the mass of tissue. I was wearing a slippery coat, I hung on to Bud and let the wig roll. When I got to the elevator, I took the paper off and stuffed it in my pocket.
Sometime after that, I looked in my pride and joy drawer. Was it time to give up the wigs?
1. The blond wig I liked to wear while riding the motorcycle?
2. The salt and pepper wig that made me look like a really young old lady?
3. The fall that had a head band that if you bend over showed your short hair underneath?
4. The curly one that looked almost like my own, almost?
5. The red wig tucked way in back
6. The pieces of frosted add ons
NO! I shut the drawer and dealt with it later.
Have a great hair day!
1 comment:
I love those headband wigs! They are back in style again!! :) However, they've got these clips to hold them in place. When I was wearing my Jessica Simpson extensions, they clipped in really well and not enough the strongest Utah wind would blow them out.
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