The first driver's licence of sorts was issued to the inventor of the modern automobile, Karl Benz in 1888. Because the noise and smell of his motorwagon resulted in complaints by the citizens. Benz requested and received written permission by the authorities to operate his car on public roads. Above is a photo of the license.
In Germany around 1910, statutes for drivers, including education began; France followed. Due to all the accidents in the states, a cry went out for a change. The first licenses were awarded in 1910 to chauffeurs in New York state, New Jersey followed in 1913 with everyone needing to pass a test before operation a auto vehicle.
That means that Grandpa Benhard would have been about 35 when driver's licenses became law. It is possible that if he did drive, it was someone else's vehicle.
Now, Mother was grand behind the wheel. She made left turns from the right lane and right turns from the left lane. She got her license in the mail without a test. Ella Anderson actually renewed license for individuals in the Rosewood/New Solum Township community. It is certain that as soon as he was financially able, daddy had a car and a license.
We can assume that most of our ancestors in the states walked, took the train, or took a boat or stage coach. A few rode horses, such as the children's great grandfather, Henry Rye. We know that when his sister was shot by her estranged husband, he rode horseback to the farm where the massacre took place.
My question, still not solved, is how did the law get around in 1914? Did they have cars? Certainly the defender's of the government had vehicles. We know that doctor's did. We know that doctor's made house calls in the country and would take the patient back with them to the hospital if they were very sick as noted in readings of the Rosewood News.
In a survey on Facebook, it asks what are five things you take when you leave the house. Some do not state driver's licenses, is that because it is a given? Or are they like Grandpa Benhard, who had his paper license in a plastic like case on the steering column of his car?
Have you ever had a paper license? Did you ever show it for ID and cover up the the one in eleven to make you look like you were old enough to be in a bar only to have the bartender snatch it from you and see you were actually born in November instead of January?
Or are you like Sara, who wanted a different picture on her license because on the one she had her hair was really short. She went to the DMV and stated she had lost her license hoping to have a new picture taken with her long flowing brunette hair only to have them say "No PROBLEM" and disappear. They returned with another short hair picture!!!
Now the big thing is you may not smile when having a picture taken. Now it is all about facial recognition. What are we? CSI and Las Vegas all rolled into one in a little laminated case that most of us don't monkey with and make fake ID cards.