Thief River Falls News
May 21, 1914
Louis Gilsoul Commits Triple Murder and Then Kills Self near Torgerson’s Post Office.
The dead are Mrs. Ludwig Larson, Helen and Inga Olson—-Mrs. OK Olson is mortally wounded.
Three women are dead and one mortally wounded at the home of OK Olson, five miles north of Torgerson’s Post Office in Marshall County. The cause of the tragedy was the jealous rage of Gilsoul, who was furious at the relatives of Helen Olson, with whom he ran away some two years since.
The women were shot to death with a 32 caliber revolver, and the same weapon ended the life of the murderer shortly after the triple killing.
Gilsoul appeared at the Olson home this morning at about 9:30, following Mr. Olson in from the field. He was met at the door by Mrs. Ludwig Larson, cousin of Helen Olson, who refused him admittance and threatened him with a pair of ice tongs. The man drew a revolver and shot Mrs. Larson through the breast as she ran into the yard, he fired a second time, the bullet penetrating her heart and killing her instantly. Gilsoul then entered the house and shot Helen and Inga Olson to death, the bullets penetrating the heart of Helen and Inga being shot through the head. Both were instantly killed, Mrs. OK Olson was next attacked and five bullets were fired into her body and she now lies at the point of death. During the course of the shooting the murderer was attacked by the family dog and the animal was also shot and killed.
It is reported that OK Olson fled at the first appearance of trouble and the only witness to the tragedy was a brother of Helen and Inga, a young man of about 22 years of age. The boy drove into the yard as Mrs. Larson was shot and immediately turned the horses and went for assistance, returning shortly, armed with a 30-30, he met the murderer about half a mile from the scene of the killing and fired a shot from his rifle at the assassin, who immediately turned into a clump of bushes. Shortly after his entering the brush, a shot was heard, and after some two hours, and after about 40 neighbors had gathered, the boy and one of the neighbors entered the hiding place of the homicide and found his lifeless body, the earlier shot having been turned upon himself and having pierced his brain.
In the man’s pocket was found a mailing tube, containing a marriage certificate on which was written, “This is to prove that she was my wife.” The reference was to Helen Olson, whom he had married subsequent to running away with her some two years ago. There was also a note in his pocket to his son by a former marriage, warning him not to follow in his footsteps.
Gilsoul is said to have a bad record and it is reported that he killed a Negro in Beltrami County a few years since.
Thief River Falls News
May 21, 1914
Louis Gilsoul Commits Triple Murder and Then Kills Self near Torgerson’s Post Office.
The dead are Mrs. Ludwig Larson, Helen and Inga Olson—-Mrs. OK Olson is mortally wounded.
Three women are dead and one mortally wounded at the home of OK Olson, five miles north of Torgerson’s Post Office in Marshall County. The cause of the tragedy was the jealous rage of Gilsoul, who was furious at the relatives of Helen Olson, with whom he ran away some two years since.
The women were shot to death with a 32 caliber revolver, and the same weapon ended the life of the murderer shortly after the triple killing.
Gilsoul appeared at the Olson home this morning at about 9:30, following Mr. Olson in from the field. He was met at the door by Mrs. Ludwig Larson, cousin of Helen Olson, who refused him admittance and threatened him with a pair of ice tongs. The man drew a revolver and shot Mrs. Larson through the breast as she ran into the yard, he fired a second time, the bullet penetrating her heart and killing her instantly. Gilsoul then entered the house and shot Helen and Inga Olson to death, the bullets penetrating the heart of Helen and Inga being shot through the head. Both were instantly killed, Mrs. OK Olson was next attacked and five bullets were fired into her body and she now lies at the point of death. During the course of the shooting the murderer was attacked by the family dog and the animal was also shot and killed.
It is reported that OK Olson fled at the first appearance of trouble and the only witness to the tragedy was a brother of Helen and Inga, a young man of about 22 years of age. The boy drove into the yard as Mrs. Larson was shot and immediately turned the horses and went for assistance, returning shortly, armed with a 30-30, he met the murderer about half a mile from the scene of the killing and fired a shot from his rifle at the assassin, who immediately turned into a clump of bushes. Shortly after his entering the brush, a shot was heard, and after some two hours, and after about 40 neighbors had gathered, the boy and one of the neighbors entered the hiding place of the homicide and found his lifeless body, the earlier shot having been turned upon himself and having pierced his brain.
In the man’s pocket was found a mailing tube, containing a marriage certificate on which was written, “This is to prove that she was my wife.” The reference was to Helen Olson, whom he had married subsequent to running away with her some two years ago. There was also a note in his pocket to his son by a former marriage, warning him not to follow in his footsteps.
Gilsoul is said to have a bad record and it is reported that he killed a Negro in Beltrami County a few years since.
Two years ago his wife was adjudged insane and committed to an asylum, and immediately thereafter he commenced paying attention to Helen Olson, who he induced to go with him to Canada. About two weeks ago Ludwig Larson and his wife went to the claim of Gilsoul in Canada and Helen returned with them to the Olson home.
The Olson home is about five miles north of the Torgerson’s post office and is in Marshall County, the clump of bushes were the suicide took place was just across the county line. The Marshall County coroner is holding an inquest as we go to press.
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