Sunday, September 30, 2007
October Birthdays and Anniversaries
Who is this?
She is the daughter of Robert Anderson and Elodee Ranum.
Her grand parents are the Ella Rye Anderson Steinhauer and the late Lloyd Anderson, and Stanley Ranum’s.
Jaeme: Mother
Kelsie: First cousin once removed
1. Lawrence Henry Rye (50)
Who is this?
Son of Ralph Rye and Atropa Moncrief
His grandparents were Henry and Julia Rye and William Arthur Moncrief and Mary Etta Morgan
Jaeme: First cousin twice removed
Kelsie: First cousin twice removed
1. Vernon Mellem (82)
Who was this?
He was the son of Peter Mellem and Caroline Lappegaard.
His Grandparents were Thorinus and Pauline Mellem
Jaeme: First cousin three times removed
Kelsie: First cousin three times removed
1. Royal Jorgenson (59)
Who is this?
Jaeme’s and Kelsie’s second cousin twice removed
Royal's great great grandparents were OK and Gertrude Olson
7. Lorine O Ranum (107)
Who was this?
Lorine married Benhard’s half brother Otto.
Jaeme: ½ second grand aunt through marriage
7. Shalin Anderson (13)
Who is this?
Shalin is the son of Juanita Hagen and the late Bing Anderson
Jaeme: Second cousin
Kelsie: First cousin
10. Bennie Ranum (125)
Who was this?
Bennie was the brother of Benhard Ranum
The son of Knute Ranum
Jaeme: 2nd grand uncle
10. Thorinus Mellem (153)
Who was this? Thorinus was the patriarch of the Mellem family
Jaeme: Third great grandfather
Kelsie: Third great grandfather
11. Lora Rye Andreae (53)
Who is this?
Oldest child of Ralph and Atropa Rye.
Ralph was the son of Henry T Rye and Julia Olette Olson
Jaeme: First cousin, twice removed
Kelsie: First cousin twice removed.
17. Larry G Schneider (71)
Who is this?
He is the husband of Dorothy Elaine Anderson
Jaeme: Grand uncle by marriage
Kelsie Grand uncle by marriage
18. Gregory J Ranum (67)
Who was this?
He was the son of Stanley K Ranum and Ella Lundberg.
Stanley was the son of Benhard Ranum and Julia Opseth.
Jaeme: Grand uncle
21. Lillian Alby Ranum (88)
Who was this?
Lillian was the wife of Harry Ranum
He was the son of Benhard Ranum and Julia Opseth.
Jaeme: Great grand aunt by marriage
24. Julia Olette Olson Rye (118)
Who was this?
Julia was the daughter of Ole and Gertrude Olson.
She married Henry T Rye.
Their daughter, Ella, married Lloyd Anderson.
Jaeme: Second great grandmother
Kelsie: Second great grand mother
24. Julia Clara Opseth Ranum (122)
Who was this?
Julia was the daughter of Hannah Nordhagen and Andreas Opseth.
She married Benhard Ranum.
Jaeme: Second Great grand daughter
25. Sarah E Chamberlain (17)
Who is this?
Sarah is the daughter of Reta Rye and Robert Chamberlain.
Reta is the daughter of Ralph Rye and Atropa Moncrief.
Jaeme: Second cousin, once removed
Kelsie: Second cousin, once removed
25. Olga and John Ranum (94)
Who were they?
John is the brother of Benhard Ranum.
Jaeme: Second great uncle, Olga is aunt by marriage
27. Louis Cloutier (95)
Who was he?
Louis is the husband of Nora Rye
She is the daughter of Henry T Rye and Julia Olette Olson
Jaeme: Great grand uncle by marriage
Kelsie: Great grand uncle by marriage
29. Melissa Ranum (43)
Who is this?
Melissa is the daughter of Bruce Ranum.
Bruce is the son of Harry and Harry the son of Benhard.
Jaeme: Second cousin, once removed
29. Elizabeth Ranum (28)
Who is this?
Elizabeth is the daughter of James Harry Ranum
He is the third child of Harry Ranum and Lillian Alberg.
Harry’s parents were Julia Opseth and Benhard Ranum
Jaeme: Second cousin, once removed
29. Melvina L Rye (81)
Who is this?
Melvina is the wife of Cliff Rye
Cliff is the son of Henry T Rye and Julia Olette Olson
Jaeme: Great grand aunt by marriage
Kelsie: Great grand aunt by marriage
30. Niels Knudsen (271)
Who was this?
Niels Knudsen is the father of Knute Nielson Ranum who married Siri Dickin.
They had Benhard Ranum.
Benhard married Julia Opseth.
They had two children: Harry and Stanley.
Stanley married Ella Lundberg
They had two children; Greg and Elodee.
Elodee married Robert Anderson
They three children, Rachel, Paul, and Ryen.
Rachel married Lynn Thomae
They had Jaeme Lynn.
That makes Jaeme the seventh generation!
Jaeme: Fourth great grandfather of Knut Nielson
Friday, September 28, 2007
Four Generations of the Rye Family

The picture you are viewing was taken September 1980 in Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Julia (1889) would turn 91 on October 24
Ralph (1929) would turn 51 on December 5
Hank (1957) would turn 23 on October 1
Aaron was a few months old, having been born on January 19, 1980.
Ralph is the great grandfather approaching 78
Hank is the grandfather approaching 50
Aaron is the father at 27
Wesley, born on May 16, 2005
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The Little Professor

September 27, 1979
9:47 PM
6 pounds
20 inches long
1. Ryen’s middle name is Bentley, he is lucky it isn’t Rolls Royce because his brother thought he should be named after a car. As you may have gathered, Ryen's ancestors are RYE, thus Ryen, NOT Ryan.
2. Ryen didn’t like to eat corn when he was little; he thought it would make him fat.
3. Ryen was rarely ill; although he had a hearing problem. The doctor said putting tubes in his ears would help, when they started the process, they found he had adenoids the size of fifty cent pieces. We were used to talking loudly so Ryen could hear. After he had his surgery, he cried when we talked loud because it hurt his ears.
4. I told him I would help him financially until he was ready to 'be on his own' after college. He announced in just a few months he was ready.
5. He had no early interest in going to nursery school. I remember something about he didn't want to grow up like his brother and sister. The kindergarten teacher thought it might be a problem. I asked her what type of problems. She said, “Oh, like what it means when the teacher turns off the lights or how to line up.”
6. Ryen and I ordered a movie via cable. He was sure it would be on his television, I was in the living room waiting for it to start. It started on his and he was jumping around and broke his toe.
7. When he was in the lower grades, he wrote a letter to the Walt Disney Studios asking for a job; he included that he wouldn’t be available until 1998. He wanted a job as a voice over for a cartoon. He drove the second grade teacher nuts by doing old English lettering instead of writing like everyone else. I told her to give him a break.
8. When he was born, the nurse said, "Five pounds, 16 ounces." The doctor said, "Let's just make that six pounds even."
9. He liked to dress up for Halloween and no matter what, he wanted to do his own make up. He had his own talent for make up including an oatmeal concoction to look like peeling skin.
10. Ryen’s first job was pool guy at the apartment complex. Although he was not 12, he was allowed to swim without an adult supervising him.
11. He loved BBQ ribs. When his grandmother with the dog came to visit, we went to the place on Iowa Street called the Bum Steer and she let him eat as much as he wanted. I think that was the end of him eating pork.
12. He set up the first AOL connection. He was trying to come up with a screen name and password. He looked at the door knobs and decided ORBKNOB would be a good name. He looked at the clock and decided PENDULUM would be a good password.
13. We wanted to know if there were 23 restaurants on Twenty-Third Street in Lawrence, KS. I am happy to report, according to the Yellow Pages, there are presently 32 listed. We also counted curb cuts.
14. He loved He Man cartoons. They were only available on Sunflower Cable. We had a satellite dish that had 130+ channels but we kept the cable for He Man. Most of his TV time was watching the Disney Channel.
15. There were two kids in the neighborhood named Adri and Derek. He and Derek drew a lot of pictures; both of them have an art profession. I think Ryen helped Derek find his way in life. Although working in a doughnut shop is an honorable profession, Ryen was not instrumental in helping Adri find her way.
16. When I was trying to select a color of nail polish at Dillons, he suggested I put a different color on each fingernail. But I only brought one to the check out. No, they weren't tester bottles.
17. He liked Star Wars characters instead of allowance. He may still have the two Star Wars quilts I made for them. Our garage still has the He Man series including a few characters which were redesigned.
18. Bud and Ryen were fighting over a blanket. To solve the argument, their father cut it in half and both of them were unhappy.
19. I am happy to see Paisanos Ristorante is still in operation; it was a favorite of Ryen’s on special occasions. He worked at Paradise CafĂ© when he was in high school.
20 He spent several weeks in Germany one summer. When the student came to the United States to stay with us, Klaus wanted to go to Disneyland…………From KANSAS? Think about this: When Ryen was hosted by Klaus family, they went to different countries!
Sending a son to Germany for the summer was expensive. We had met the fees and had some spending money. I hoped he would have at least an additional $250.
We had an ice cream cone bank that sat on the floor in the kitchen. Ryen took it to the bank and the coins put us over the top. The bank had $265 and a little bit more. Never under estimate the power of change.
21. He was into knight armor one year. For his birthday I rented a six foot set of stationary armor for the weekend. The budget wasn't great enough to buy it. He appreciated the thought.
22. He learned all about hair and diet from Melody and her family. He learned about Chinese from Helen and he observed what happens when people say mean and say cruel things from what's her name.
23. He lived in a co op while in college. He was bitten by a brown spider while sleeping. Ask him if you can see his scar.
24. When I visited him in Kansas, I was invited to come to Waxman Candles and make candles!
25. Ryen moved to New York after college. Although he worked for a company, he also did free lance. Splash sent him to France for textile conventions.
26 One birthday, he took himself to Norway. He went to Mexico recently and looks handsome sitting on a donkey.
27. When he moved to Ohio to work for Abercrombie and Fitch, he bought himself a new car. He stated it is nice to drive a car that doesn’t break down. He has zipped all over the country in his Honda.
28. When he was little, he asked his grandmother what to call the dog. She told him to call him anything because he wouldn’t come. He called Criket “Peanut Butter”. He liked to get into the dog's kennel.
I need to publish this, I keep rearranging and changing. Happy birthday, Prince of the Meadow.
Love you.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
That's a Lot of Bull

Ole Swenson killed by vicious bull. The bull struck him the breast with such force that the man’s neck was broken and death was instantaneous.
Man is killed by angry bull at farm. Ness Anderson, 55 found dead on farm near Holt. Marks on his body showed that he had been severely trampled and beaten. The top of the dead man’s head was badly mutilated while his chest was crushed in and his sides showed marks of the bull having stamped on him.
Christ Mattson, a farmer living about one and a half miles northwest of Hazel and who on the day previous had celebrated his seventy-eighth birthday, was fatally injured by a Holstein bull in the barn at his home Friday evening. He was taken to Physicians Hospital in this city were he died Sunday morning.
The aged man had gone to the barn for the purpose of feeding the bull, this being one of his chores. The animal had at no previous time given indications of an ugly disposition and no one considered it in the least dangerous to go near him.
According to Dr. HW Froehlich, who was called, the animal had evidently hooked his victim first, the stub horn entered on the inside of the left leg near the body, tearing a wide gash and knocking the man down. Using his hoofs the bull had thereupon pounded his prostrate victim across the stomach, tearing the muscles and inflicting internal injuries although the skin was not broken at this point.
Examination at the hospital showed his injuries to be such as to make recovery practically impossible and the members of the family were notified. The body was prepared for burial at the Larson undertaking rooms and interment made in Hazel Cemetery.
The deceased was born in Norway and came to the country at an early age. He was a resident of Pennington County for many years and most highly regarded among the people of the neighborhood in which he lived.
Rosewood News An enraged bull attacked Peder Sorenson, a farmer two miles north of Rosewood, Friday evening. Sorenson was attempting to bring the animal into the barn. He was severely dealt with before help arrived. He was shipping the bull from Rosewood the following day as the animal was considered unsafe. Before anyone could reach the Holstein bull, he had thrown his master into the air three times and left him in bad condition.
Dr. Bowers from Thief River Falls was summoned for help. Sorenson was taken to town in a dray wagon. He is in Physician’s Hospital with four broken ribs and a lacerated lung. At the time of this writing, he is weak but hope is still held for his recovery.
As for the bull, he was later brought to Rosewood by about 15 men who volunteered at the task. The animal was in a furious temper and a very difficult job it proved to control him, and the only way he could be brought to Rosewood was after he was roped helpless and driven in on a stone boat.
Holstein bulls are known for their enormous size and bad temperament. As you can see, anyone growing up on a dairy farm knows stories about Holstein bulls that had attacked and even killed farmers.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
A Newly Found Picture of Gertrude Olson

This is Gertrude. She is the one that was shot five times in 1914 at which time three family members and the man who shot them killed himself. See June 14, 2007 blog for complete articles of the murder suicide which includes, "Mrs. OK Olson, the fifth victim, is still alive and will recover. There are five wounds in her body resulting from the three shots that were fired at her. One bullet entered her elbow, passed through the muscles of the arm and lodged in her neck. Another struck her in the cheek and the third is lodged in her back about six inches below her neck and slightly to the right of the back bone".
Look at the walls. This was taken inside the house. We know that because of how the walls and the ceiling meet in the corner behind her. We can see there was a window because of the light in the upper right corner. We can see a shadow of the photographer. According to her hair and her statue, I am thinking she is in her forties when this was taken. It also compares with other pictures taken indoors during this era. What do you think?
I would like to comment on the Oliver Rye albums. I really commend him for writing the names of the people and the relation to on the back of the picture. What tickled me is something I found on the back of a picture of Ella's son, Bob.
Bob Anderson repairing Rubiks Cube in Judy Arnold's kitchen at 1126 Green Hill Drive while Ella Anderson, Bob's Mother, looks on. The divinity on the napkin is compliments of Shirley Hagen who made a box for Judy and Bob to share.
This photo was taken by Elodee Anderson on 1/1/1988.
Shirley Hagen is Bob's sister who just celebrated her wedding anniversary to Keith Hagen.
My mother-in-law said to write information on the bank of my photos so "many years from now, everyone will know who it is."
That is a little over kill but we get the point. It is like scrap booking and history all rolled into one.
But what the back of the picture doesn't say is that we were gathered together on this New Years Day because Stan Ranum had been buried the day before and Judy was hosting a get together. It doesn't talk about Rachel and her cousin Lisa, playing Scrabble nor does it talk about Ryen trying to get Phillip the poodle to warm up to him.
When one looks at old group photos, as at Christmas, when the picture is just backs of heads and paper, we wonder just what the subject of the picture was. It was a gathering. It was Christmas. It was if some tall person was walking though a house with a trigger finger just taking pictures as they looked down. We can't go back and retake a subject; the camera's were fixed lenses and the person did a good job of capturing the moment as they knew it. It should teach all of us to think about the subject in the picture.
In cleaning out albums, there is a significant amount of pictures of my grand daughter Jaeme. The pictures are close ups of her face. We can see her features. We appreciate this sort of picture. We appreciate seeing pictures of people in scenery if the people are close enough to identify. As I work with scenery pictures with people, I am hopeful the face of the person is the size of a pencil eraser, that gives us a chance zoom it to see who the person is.
I appreciate seeing a note on the back. One said, "This would have been a perfect picture if ....wouldn't have hide behind ..."
Mostly, without being anal, I appreciate pictures, like the one of Gertrude. It gives us a chance to see her in earlier years. There are so few of her. Kudos to Judy for letting me sift through the albums and find such a treasure.
And I will get off my soap box now.
Monday, September 24, 2007
City Directories
Andrew Lundberg and Josephine Lundberg
Restaurant business in hotel
319 North LaBree Avenue
Lived on premises
Louise Lundberg
319 North LaBree
Rose Lundberg
319 North LaBree
319 North LaBree
319 North LaBree
Phillip Lundberg and Clara L
319 North LaBree
302 Tindolph
Christine Lundberg
703 North Main (House gone)
Phillip Lundberg and Clara L
Repairman for Soo Line
302 Tindolph Ave
Christine Lundberg
209 1/2 Third Street East
Phillip and Clara Lundberg
Repairman for Soo Line
1023 Atlantic, (House gone)
Phillip and Clara Lundberg
Repairman for Soo Line
1023 Atlantic
Phillip and Clara Lundberg
Repairman for Soo Line
1023 Atlantic
no Lundberg's listed
Lloyd Lundberg
1104 Dewey, (house gone)
Phillip and Mae Lundberg
1104 Dewey
Phillip and Mae Lundberg
County engineer
1104 Dewey
Phillip and Mae Lundberg
County Highway engineer
Owned house at 1123 Arnold
Phillip and Mae Lundberg
Owned house at 1123 North Arnold
Mae Lundberg
1123 North Arnold
The only house standing which was linked to Lundberg is the house on Arnold Avenue. The house appears to be added on to from the east, west, and north. The little windows Phillip looked out when he was bed ridden remain. The tree we tied the horses to remains. The front porch which was flanked by Tiger Lilies in the summer, is gone. I wondered if Phillip and Mae's initials were still etched in the sidewalk. The gladioli garden hosts a three stall garage which butts up to the St. Bernhard's Cemetery gate. Gone are the wild raspberries which grew along the fence line.
Anyone want to play Jacks on the front porch?
Sunday, September 23, 2007
More About Ella Rye's Early Life
I visited with Ella when I was in town for the trunk items. I asked her about her education. I did not feel like we had done her justice on the September 15 blog. She stated I needed to ask her daughter's about it.
Her daughter, Judy, did find her 8th grade diploma in the documents she had gleaned from the house earlier. In an email, Judy writes:
"I looked up her 8th grade diploma and it was from TRF Public School. I remember her telling me that Grandpa Rye thought the NDak school system back in those days was very inferior to MN and that he wanted her to go to TRF ... but I can't remember any more details".
Another email regarding Ella's education states:
"I verified with Mom how Grandpa Rye felt about the NDak school system way back then. Mom said she did go to a country school around Adams ND for a while. She said the books were so old, Grandpa asked if they didn't think anything had changed since those books were written! She was going back to school after 8th grade but had an appendicitis attack and that ended her school days".
Added 9 24 2007
Mom and I talked more of her school days yesterday. You were right, she did stay with Clarence and Grandpa Nels Rye when she went to TRF Schools. She only took 3 classes a day (she only needed to take two but they offered a math class and being she loved math, she took that one too). She also stayed with another lady but couldn't remember her name.
After she "graduated" she did housework for a lady living on the St. Hilaire road until she got sick. Alice took over the job but didn't like it and quit.
We must agree that having appendicitis attacks and surgery was a major problem of the times. Many people died because of the infection which followed. We are grateful both Lloyd and Ella survived theirs!
And the best of birthday wishes to Bobbie Jo Schneider, grand daughter of Dorothy Anderson and daughter of Larry Gene. She is 25 today.
Happy first day of fall to all.
Friday, September 21, 2007
What about that letter?
As we know, Lloyd Anderson worked for the railroad from 1942 until he died in 1967. He was always concerned about doing his job well. We know from the New Solum railroad blog that he was a section foreman and that he accepted his moves throughout his career. He was liked at a laborer and a foreman. He worked with his men.
When he was working in Thief River Falls, he had a boss that came into the place where Lloyd was working and told him to go move something. Lloyd explained that it would be moved and by whom. That is, he had assigned someone to come with equipment to move it. The man started to swear at Lloyd.
While looking through boxes on Thursday, a letter was found written on Soo Line stationary, written in Lloyd's long open hand. The head man needed to know the kind of language the man was using. This wasn't a few choice words, this was a super up on his toes and in-his-face old fashion drill Sergeant sort of berating.
Now, this may not seem like much in our day. You just need to know that Lloyd didn't need to be yelled at. We also need to see that he had a plan to report the fellow. The Soo Line was not a place, nor is any other, now or then, that this sort of conduct is appropriate.
It was always been felt that this episode brought about the heart attack which Lloyd suffered. He died as the result of of the attack by his supervisor. The letter wasn't sent.
Shirley will correct me if I am wrong about this: Lloyd went right from the job to the clinic and an ambulance came to the clinic and brought him to the hospital. The date of the letter and the time of his heart attack are very close. It was just about this day 40 years ago.
Shirley shared "Just read the blog..i hadn't heard about a letter written but not sent before Dad died..I remember some of the stuff that I heard 1st hand at that time..about Baden..and another guy..can't recall his name right now. Also, Donny Omdahl stood by Dad in whatever was going on".
It is not known the his health status before this. We all know he was physically fit and lived a spiritual life. He loved his Lord, his family, his work, and his friends. We do know that Ella had some major conversations with the Soo Line about it.
Happy Birthday Dorothy Schneider on this 22nd day of September. May you have good health until your numbers reverse and you are 96.
A Worn, Musty Trunk
In an old trunk in a garage, the daughter and her daughter open the parcel and found old pictures and old Swedish song books. The books have names in the front. The pictures are enlargements.
She emailed me about the find and we set up to meet at the house which she, her daughter, and her sister had been sorting, sorting, sorting. If you have sifted through the contents of a house and touch every item, then you can understand how it is an emotional process as well as a time honored process. It is a big job. They have done well. The next step is a sale followed by a pick up from a charitable organization, and then selling the house itself.
The two of us looked through a few of the boxes. The agreement was I would take the boxes of pictures back to Fargo, clean, scan, and mount. Both sisters warned me there were a lot of pictures. A low estimate is 1500; I may double that before I finish the count. It doesn't matter, I am after the history; I am willing to work the five boxes and get the information collected in such a way that everyone knows what is there. Pictures declared 'new' where twenty years old.
We had set aside the books and the boxes of pictures and went to the bedroom where there was a box of Oliver's stuff. Oliver was the oldest of the Henry Rye children. He was a bachelor and had his own collection of pictures. In Oliver's box where newspaper clippings of obituaries. Although many obits can be ordered from local libraries for a few dollars each, this are the freshly cut from the paper. They are the first editions.
We also found the books provided by the mortuary used to give the details of their life and the signatures of guests. I was given the books and added them to others I have gotten. As we know, genealogy offers clues and information in all places.
In a photo album started by the oldest sister, were hand written documents regarding each grandparent and parent, and herself. This information was written as SHE KNEW IT. The passing down of stories from one generation to another is not always factual. The handwritten note in itself is precious. It provides a guide to the different personalities of the family.
The greatest find of all on the scene, were letters Lloyd had written to his wife, Ella while she was in a hospital in southern Minnesota. When this love letter was written, they had four kids yet it was a loving letter written with hope and prayers for her wellness.
We all knew something disturbing had happened before Lloyd got sick in the early fall of 1967. Something had happened at work. The letter about that was found in a box in the bedroom yesterday. I sat with my mouth open as she read it. The letter was not mailed. Now we knew what had happened at work.
In pasting history together, look for those notes in books. Look for old trunks. Look for information with a different set of eyes. Although it is a passage to clean out a parent's house, allow yourself to reminisce about pieces you find. Although you may have numerous bowls already, handle the old one and let the memory of the bowl flash before you. If you can't take it home to your already bulging cupboards; then maybe you can recycle it with fresh fruit for a family. PLEASE don't fill it with red Jell-o with strawberries on top!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Soo Line in New Solum Township
This became a headquarters for the section crew that maintained the railroad tracks . A house was built for the section foreman.
When the Soo Line no longer needed this stop, they moved the section house to Holt. There continued to be a depot at Anita where freight was dropped off, but no passengers used it.
In Anita, there was an old box car across the tracks that was used as a home by a little foreign man believed to be Greek. He had been employed by the building crew. It was believed he was illegally in this country. Foreigners were employed to rush the building of the railroads. It was a quick source of money for foreigners, and hopefully freedom. it was also quick, cheap labor for the railroad companies.
In 1905, the Soo Line built a branch line north of Thief River Falls to Kenmare, North Dakota, which was known as the Wheat Line. This junction was known as Dakota Junction. This line is what made Strip blossom and brought about the name change to Rosewood. There was a depot at Rosewood where passengers could get on or off, mail was left, freight shipped in, and cream, eggs, cement blocks, or other freight shipped out. There was a side track about a quarter of a mile east of the "present" site of the crossing where the stockyards were built. Emil Anderson managed the shipping of cattle for many years. A grain elevator was built by the Barzen River Falls. Benhard Ranum took numerous shipments of cattle to St. Paul. Do you suppose he stayed in the car with the cattle?
Rosewood also became a railroad section headquarters for many employees who worked at maintaining the tracks. Rosewood was a busy, rural village as long as the lack of good roads and means of quick transportation kept business in town. After trucking became profitable, the stockyards were closed. Modern cars took away the need for the depot. In the 1940's the train would only stop to let off a passenger. Mail was caught from the moving train by a mail hook.
The depot was destroyed by a grass fire in 1962.
Lloyd Anderson worked for the railroad starting in 1942. He was employed by the railroad at the time of his death in 1967. At that time he was foreman on the section in Thief River Falls. He had been section foreman since 1949. He had worked as foreman on jobs in Newfolden and as assistant foreman in Warren.
In January of 1920, The annual meeting of the directors of the Rosewood Livestock Shipping Association was held in the Soo Line waiting room last Monday. The manager’s wages were raised to 15 cents per hundred live weights of the livestock.
In June of 1922 it was reported in the Rosewood News that Budge Bulden and the rest of the carpenter crew for the Soo Line were here last week to lay in new planks for the platform, re-roof part of the depot, and other general duties.
HEADLINE: Man Falls from Freight Train and is Killed
September 1922
The accident occurred Monday between Rosewood and Thief River Falls. Frank Williams, an unknown transient, fell beneath the freight train number 58 on the Soo Line shortly after it pulled out of Rosewood Monday evening between the hours of six and seven and died at the hospital a short time later. The man, who appeared to be about 25 years of age, was beating his way and was riding on top of a car near the front of the train when he fell off with the result that his body was all mangled by cars passing over it before the train could be stopped. He was seen, when falling, by one of the train crew but there was no time to avert the accident. Williams left leg was cut off at the ankle, his right leg at the thigh and his right arm was severed from the body at the shoulder. The severed limbs were connected with the body only by pieces of skin. He became unconscious at once from the shock and the loss of blood and although rushed to the hospital immediately, died about a half hour after being brought there. In his pockets were found a membership card in the International Brotherhood of Steam Shovelers and Dredgeman, a few receipts, and $25.00. A broken bottle of lemon extract and the fact that the dead man smelled strongly of liquor indicates that he was intoxicated at the time of his fall.
One thing that tickled me about the newspaper articles was how they would say, "...... visited between trains." I imagined someone standing between the trains visiting.
JUNE 1916 Rosewood News Mr. Olaf Opseth was a visitor in Thief River Falls between trains.
JUNE 1920 Rosewood News Olof Opseth, assessor, was it town between trains
FEBRUARY 1926 Rosewood News Lilly Holson spends Saturday here between trains.
What it meant was they got off in Rosewood and would catch another train going the other direction. Did Rosewood have double tracks for two way traffic? I don't know. We will leave that up to someone who lived there. ANY ONE KNOW?
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Minneapolis, Sault Ste. Marie & Atlantic Railway

One of last summer's pleasures was the company of three former classmates; their dad’s worked for the Soo line Railroad. They miss the sound of the trains. Another person could tell what was going on by the type of the blast of the engineer’s horn. I wonder how many people in Thief River Falls worked for the railroad?
What can we find out about the trains of Thief River Falls? Where they an active part in how the village became a city? How were those railroads built? What was the first line to come to this town? Let’s look to the old newspaper’s to find the answers.
The Great Northern railroad was built into TRF in 1892, the town took quite a start but as a matter of fact, Thief River Falls has been built mostly since 1899
March 1903
Wiley Tindolph writes from Minneapolis stating that the rumor that the Soo Line Railroad will build to Thief River Falls is confirmed by officials of the road in Minneapolis.
THE SOO LINE RIGHT OF WAY SECURED! It comes through the center of Thief River Falls and crosses river above bridge.
1904 Grading for the Soo Line Railroad has begun.
2,000 teams, 3,000 men, and 4 steam shovels are needed to build the Soo rail between Otter Tail City and Emerson.
Soo Line expected to be in TRF b y 9 10 1904
Soo Line Hauls the Mail
Red Lake Falls Gazette is of the opinion that in view of the number of railroads that are to be built into TRF in the near future, this city is more in need of a union depot than a normal school.
MARCH 1909
A new depot to be built for the Soo Line. Thousands of dollars to be spent by the Soo Line Railroad in TRF this summer. New two story brick and stone depot to be erected and round house enlarged. The building will be 50’ wide and 200’ long. It will be one of the finest and most permanent in the Northwest and built with a view of accommodating the business several years to come
Edmond Pennington was last week elected president and manager of the Soo Line. Mr. Pennington is one of the greatest railroad men in the United States and is fast making the Soo Line one of the most popular railroads.
June 1909
Tom Wood, brakeman for the Soo Line had both feet cut off just above the ankle in an accident which occurred in Minneapolis, no particulars have been received here.
October 1909
Soo Line may go to International Falls; will use old logging trails for development
June 1910
Soo Line adopts pension system
Soo Line train wrecked when it derailed by washout caused by heavy rains. One passenger killed and seventeen receive some injuries near Vergas, MN
Near Karlstad. Soo Line hits moose on track, stopped train to see if the moose could be saved
Soo line Depot completed for $60,000.
Parents urged to keep children off the railroad right of way to prevent accidents
June 1920
Auto stalls on railroad crossing, four injured
Formerly known as Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Railway (and commonly known as the Soo Line after the phonetic pronunciation of Sault), the present name was adopted as a trade name in 1950.
Happy Birthday to Jeremy Delfin
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Post Offices of New Solum Township

At one time New Solum Township had four legal post offices. Travel across the sloughs was always difficult, especially in the spring, summer and early fall so having post offices on ridges or high ground made travel easier to deliver the mail from main towns and also more convenient for the settlers to go and pick it up.
Hellem Post Office was in the Rasmus Nelson home in Section 9 during the 1880's. Later it was moved to the Claus Rasmussen home in Section 17.
Stone Post Office was located in the farm home of Ole Hall in Section 13 where he also had a general store. Mail was brought here twice a week from Warren in the 1890's.
Llewellen Post Office was on the farm in Section 3 of Per P. Hagen where he also had a general store. He was postmaster until 1909 when the post office was discontinued and improved roads made it possible for mail routes to develop.
Strip Post Office was in the Enoch and Tina (Mellem) Nelson home in Section 3 of Strip before the wheat line branch of the Soo Line tracks were layed. They also had a general store in their home. Mrs. Pauline Mellem delivered mail with a pony and a two wheel cart. She delivered mail from the Strip post office to people living north.
Monday, September 17, 2007
The Rye Family

Like I said, Ella got all of this started in my head. My children, born on the days: 1, 12, 27. Years: 66, 70, and 79. Last year was Ryen's golden birthday. He knew it was a big deal. I spent several weeks putting together a picture memory album which included grade cards, drawings, and pictures. I also sent him his baby book. It very well maybe the best gift he will ever get.
As for myself, my family honored me on my birth year when I turned 44. They pinked me out and made a red carpet out of newspaper from the roll. It was very special. Do other families' celebrate this?
Joy to all.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Gust Opseth and His Rumely Oil Tractor

Saturday, September 15, 2007
The Grandma with the Dolls

Ella is about nine in this picture. It is an outcrop of a family picture taken out doors when her brother, Cliff was about one. We will see the entire picture in the blog at a later time.
Ella started school in Goodridge, MN. By the time the family moved to the New Solum area in 1931, she would have been finished with her eighth grade education. According to the Rosewood News, she worked for a family in Warren before her marriage to Lloyd Anderson on St. Patrick's Day of 1934.
Friday, September 14, 2007
The case of the Backward Negative

One of the rewarding tasks one might do is scan old negatives. Yes, negatives. The price of this type of scanner is now under $200. Have you checked your local photo store to find out what a print from a black and white negative costs? One site thinks it is a deal for greater than $15.00 for one print of one negative! Let me see: 200 divided by 15 is about 13. That means that if I had sent the 157 black and white negatives to them, I would have spent 157 x $15= way too much!!!
The idea of getting a scanner presented itself when Tom's brother told me how much it cost to process negatives. I contacted a professional archivist who I had several scanners based on the jobs she was doing. She contacted her guru and he suggested a few different ones. Since I am not doing books or glass negatives, the less than $200 fit my purposes. It also comes with a refresh program. The user guide is loaded with the scanner program. You don't have to load the elements for photo enhancing if you have a program you really like on your computer.
Although the scanner will scan photos, documents just like any scanner, it also does slides, 35mm negatives, and black and white negatives as images into your computer. Other features are PDF and email. One has a choice of how you want them saved; I use jpeg for photos.
I have the kind of personality that prefers to try to set up equipment on my own; if all else fails, I will read the directions. I did go to a well written manual to find out why I couldn't get the black and white negatives to print. I was in the wrong mode, I needed to change to home mode. I found this information quickly through the index.
I recently scanned death certificates in PDF. The first one I sent was a single. She wrote to say she had received it. The next was a thirteen page document. She is either really busy, or her computer blew up with all the information and is in its own grave yard!
Yesterday, I looked at a negative before I scanned it. It looked like a lady holding a birthday cake. I knew this woman was born in the winter and there wasn't any snow on the ground. It was in the era of no flash. The preview of the picture showed her holding a set of silverware in a box! What I thought were candles were forks, knives, and spoons! Another looked like a person painting. I could 'see' the paint can and a strip of lighter paint on the side of the house. It appeared the person was bending over to load her brush. It turned out the light paint was a eve trough and the paint can was a butter churn! The person was crunched down talking to a child. The picture was poor, there was a long shadow over both of them, I did not print it. This helps us understand that once you have previewed the negative, you can decide if you want to save it (scan) to your computer.
Try using the brightness feature to be certain you have the negative in the right way. Look for things like back ward license plates on cars. You may not know the area and will need to look at other objects in the print to be sure.
We all know that when we scan pictures, they will need to be cropped. Sometimes one needs to brighten or do a contrast to get the photo to be worth your effort. Many of the negatives I am scanning were taken during a time when flash wasn't used outside; it was considered a major expense to buy flash bulbs. It is also a time when people forgot to wind the film OR they have their finger on the lens!
A picture of great grandparents holding a baby is worthless if great grandma's face is an image of a finger! Maybe you can save Great Grandpa Bloom with a crop. OR do you want to tell your children, "See this body with the fat ankles? Those are your great grandmother's legs."
How much time are you willing to put into the project? How many boxes of negatives do you have? Are any of the envelopes marked? Or is it all going to be surprise! The more organized the negatives the less time it will take because you are going to get a 'run' on pictures taken at the same time. I did 20 slides this morning, four at a time; the scanner saves them separately. I was only disappointed because I had 3 slides of a patch of watermelons. I was scanning and doing something else at the same time in another room and was going to wait and do clean up all at once. Slides do not require cropping, except in the case of multiples of still images, like watermelon.
How are you going to store these on your computer even if you move them later? Would it work for you to store each family together with a three or four letter prefix? I do MEL for Mellem, AND for Anderson, LUND for Lundberg, and so forth. I make a new folder each time I run into another family. This helps me keep them sorted as I go rather than have a sea of numbers and no idea what belongs with what. Genealogy is confusing enough without all those loose threads. Remember to save them as a named image and delete the img154.
As for time? I would strongly suggest thinking in terms of at least five minutes per negative. Do a few at a time, write what the negative is on an index card, whether you save it or not. Put the index card into the envelope with the negatives and mark it scanned and date it. Finish the image completely and store like with like. The folders I have saved with images will be moved to an external hard drive for us on other computers. When I finish with the Les Johnson slides, I will make CD copies and send them to the children. I have already had payment. Marc wrote to say it was nice to see what his mother looked like when she was young. He also had no idea what his grandfather and great grandfathers looked like. Paid in full.