One of last summer's pleasures was the company of three former classmates; their dad’s worked for the Soo line Railroad. They miss the sound of the trains. Another person could tell what was going on by the type of the blast of the engineer’s horn. I wonder how many people in Thief River Falls worked for the railroad?
What can we find out about the trains of Thief River Falls? Where they an active part in how the village became a city? How were those railroads built? What was the first line to come to this town? Let’s look to the old newspaper’s to find the answers.
The Great Northern railroad was built into TRF in 1892, the town took quite a start but as a matter of fact, Thief River Falls has been built mostly since 1899
March 1903
Wiley Tindolph writes from Minneapolis stating that the rumor that the Soo Line Railroad will build to Thief River Falls is confirmed by officials of the road in Minneapolis.
THE SOO LINE RIGHT OF WAY SECURED! It comes through the center of Thief River Falls and crosses river above bridge.
1904 Grading for the Soo Line Railroad has begun.
2,000 teams, 3,000 men, and 4 steam shovels are needed to build the Soo rail between Otter Tail City and Emerson.
Soo Line expected to be in TRF b y 9 10 1904
Soo Line Hauls the Mail
Red Lake Falls Gazette is of the opinion that in view of the number of railroads that are to be built into TRF in the near future, this city is more in need of a union depot than a normal school.
MARCH 1909
A new depot to be built for the Soo Line. Thousands of dollars to be spent by the Soo Line Railroad in TRF this summer. New two story brick and stone depot to be erected and round house enlarged. The building will be 50’ wide and 200’ long. It will be one of the finest and most permanent in the Northwest and built with a view of accommodating the business several years to come
Edmond Pennington was last week elected president and manager of the Soo Line. Mr. Pennington is one of the greatest railroad men in the United States and is fast making the Soo Line one of the most popular railroads.
June 1909
Tom Wood, brakeman for the Soo Line had both feet cut off just above the ankle in an accident which occurred in Minneapolis, no particulars have been received here.
October 1909
Soo Line may go to International Falls; will use old logging trails for development
June 1910
Soo Line adopts pension system
Soo Line train wrecked when it derailed by washout caused by heavy rains. One passenger killed and seventeen receive some injuries near Vergas, MN
Near Karlstad. Soo Line hits moose on track, stopped train to see if the moose could be saved
Soo line Depot completed for $60,000.
Parents urged to keep children off the railroad right of way to prevent accidents
June 1920
Auto stalls on railroad crossing, four injured
Formerly known as Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Railway (and commonly known as the Soo Line after the phonetic pronunciation of Sault), the present name was adopted as a trade name in 1950.
Happy Birthday to Jeremy Delfin