The picture you are viewing was taken September 1980 in Thief River Falls, Minnesota
Julia (1889) would turn 91 on October 24
Ralph (1929) would turn 51 on December 5
Hank (1957) would turn 23 on October 1
Aaron was a few months old, having been born on January 19, 1980.
In sifting through boxes of pictures, it is exciting to find multiple generational pictures. What is really special is the numbers of pictures, although not four generations, taken with Julia Rye. I especially like the expression on her face on this picture.
Ralph was the last child born to Henry and Julia Rye. In 1980, as now, he lives with his wife, Atropa, in DeSoto, Kansas. How typical to see him with his glasses on his forehead. Ralph and Atropa celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary in 2002. I found the invitation in the boxes of pictures. Both of them are very special people. The coffee pot is always on.
Hank will turn fifty the first of October. I saw him last fall and to look at the picture above and compare him to our recent visit, well, I will tell you he doesn't look much different. He still has that light in his eyes and a song in his voice.
We stayed overnight at Ralph and Atropa's house in DeSoto when he was little. A six year old is going to get visitors up very early. One windy March Sunday, he helped make box kites.
Hank married Teri and they had two boys. Aaron, the oldest, is close in age to Ryen. The family, labeled, THAT, (Teri, Hank, Aaron, and Thomas), came to visit us on occasion. Aaron, Thomas, and Ryen always had a good time playing together. Ryen had 24 square lunch boxes filled with little like-with-like. The next day, Ryen and I would make a pile, open all the empty boxes and sort the toys back to their home.
The last I heard, Aaron has a pilot. He is married and has a child of his own.
Thomas is a computer whiz
This all shows us the multiple talents of the Henry and Julia Rye children. One of the strong common strains is how graciously they host others
Fast forward to 2007
Ralph is the great grandfather approaching 78
Hank is the grandfather approaching 50
Aaron is the father at 27
Wesley, born on May 16, 2005