Monday, September 3, 2007

Is it Treasure OR is it Trash?

Our family did not keep a running diary like someone I know. The lady started writing when her husband was stricken with polio. She, at greater than 100 years old, continues to write. Her family solves mysteries about times and dates by reading the old journals.

HOWEVER........I was looking for a padded envelopes to put my children's birthday gifts in. They are rat holed on the second shelf in the closet from hell. There was one envelope that looked just right but it was stuffed with bric brac of a once-young-child, now grown. Instead of looking for another envelope, I sat down on the floor and went through the papers as if they were the most precious papers on earth. And to this pack rat, they are:

September 4, 1983
When I woke up today, I fell off the top bunk of my bed and almost hit my brother. I walked into the kitchen and saw my brother eating the last piece of chicken. I got dressed and got on my bike and started riding. About half way down the street, I hit the curb and went over the handle bars. Aching with pain, I went on to school. I went inside and went to my first class, math. I have Mr. Garvin, he's the best math teacher. Maybe I said that because I love math. Then I went to Home Ec. "BELCH", Mrs. Bartley makes me sick. She gave us this dumb babysitting worksheet to do.

September 12, 1983
On Sunday night I got to open one of my presents. I got an Izod shirt. That wipes out the BB gun. Wouldn't you know that it would rain on my birthday. It hasn't rained all summer and now it rains on my birthday. When I got to school this morning, I had to wait for school to start. I've been waiting for this day to be over so I can open that blue box. I can't wait till lunch because my stomach is killing me.

September 14, 1983
My little brother gets a Star Wars man every week for allowance. He makes Java fight Chewie and C 3 P O dance with Princess Leia.

Last night I was doing my exercises for gym. I looked to my side to see Chewie doing pushups like doing leg lifts. A little bit later, I came into my room and Ryen had stood up all the Star Wars on my desk with the guns pointed toward me. I had to do my homework so I swished them off. Ryen wasn't very happy the rest of the night.

September 16, 1893
Yesterday at inter murals football the teams finally evened out. The score was 36 to 30 with one minute left in the game, our team was ahead. The other team had about 30 yards to go for a touchdown. It was fourth down and they needed two complete passes to get a first. They couldn't do that so they decided to go for the touchdown. Everybody was running around, the kid on their team made a high pass to the end zone. They caught it and made a touchdown. That was the end of that game, 36 to 30 and we still haven't won yet.

September 20, 1883
When I get home tonight, I'm going to sit down and eat. Then I am going to goof off while my mom and dad are at open house. I think I'll rob the house or run down the street yelling. No, I wouldn't do that, I just wrote that to waste space. What I'm really going to do is have a party while they are gone. They are over here making up detention, I'll be home free. Give them a long detention so the party will last longer.

September 26, 1883
On Saturday, I went to the Clinton Lake Clean up. My friend and I got two big trash bags full of junk. We looked over the bridge and saw that the other kids were dropping frogs over the bridge. We got done with that and everyone went home.

On Sunday, I went to the Renaissance Festival and did a bunch of weird things. There were hundreds of people there and many of them had weird costumes on. I watched as knights fought and dragons were slay ed. Some of it was pretty good and some of it was pretty gross.

September 28, 1893
It was my brother's birthday on Wednesday. He got seven Star War's people. Once again, I went to do my homework and my nice little brother had his Star Wars on my desk. I didn't want to get mad at him since it was his birthday so I just went out to the car. He saw me out there and said, "What are you doing in the car?" I ran into my room and knocked off his Star Wars, of course, he cried but he had a good birthday. Teacher wrote, "Temper, temper"

September 30, 1883
Yesterday we had a math test. I got an A+ on the 50 problems test. Today, in Home Ec, we showed everybody our super sitters surprise box. I decided to be creative so I put my toys in a football lunch box. I mean it is shaped like a football.

I went to my lock and then came here. Next I'll go to gym and then to CL.

My sister's birthday is tomorrow. My mom is going to make her a cake shaped like designer jeans. Talking about my brother since his birthday was a couple of days ago, he has 27 Star Wars, which are standing around the house hiding everywhere I look.

October 4, 1983
If I was in charge of this school, everything would be different. All the kids would get 50 cents a day for going to school. The teachers would get a raise. The length of the days would be ten minutes shorter. There would be the same classes but there would be new ones such as target practice. The lunches would be cheaper. The main dish would be 35 cents. In gym, leg lifts would be stopped.

October 10, 1983
Yesterday I put a new rim on my bike. The other one was so bent up from jumping curbs it looked like an oval. Now the bike rights super smooth.

On Sunday night, I watched a Richard Pryor movie. When that was over, I went into my room to read. When I woke up, I wasn't in my room but in the back room. I still had my book, I must have been sleep walking.

October 12, 1983
Last night about 7 o'clock, I had a craving for Coke. So I jumped on my bike and rode down to Kroger's and got a Coke. After I got the Coke, I decided to play a video game. I played the game, Popeye. Now, you try to catch all the hearts thrown down by Olive and try to punch out Bloto. After I played that I went home and watched the world series. The Phillies won it by one point, every point in the game was a home run.

October 24, 1983
On Monday, I was at Schwegler School playing football. It was me against two other guys. I was behind by one point. I hiked the ball and started running a kid jumped on my back and I picked him up and carried him about one foot. And then, fell on my shoulder and my collar bone broke and painfully I rode home on my bike.