The government-approved bounty hunting nearly wiped out the wolf in the lower 48 states by the 1950s. Changing attitudes led to their protection in 1974 under the newly enacted Endangered Species Act. Now, in 2007, they have rebounded so successfully they no longer need federal protection, officials said. The Interior Department it would remove about 4,000 wolves in Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin from the endangered and threatened species list.
Poison wolves, set traps!!!
Wolves killed many deer in country north of the Red Lakes this winter. Hunters and trappers who spent the winter there, tell of the conditions saying the number of deer killed is enormous. The carcasses of from 5 to 20 deer have been found together in places and all of the marks point to them having been destroyed by wolves merely for the satisfaction of their nature.
While driving home a week ago, Oscar Carlson had a thrilling experience. He was being trailed by four wolves. He had been in town to secure fresh meat at the market and he had it along in the sleigh. The wolves, evidently scenting the meat, followed close behind the rig from the Lundberg farm up to within ten rods of the Carlson buildings. Several times the animals were within touching distance of the driver but did not offer to molest him.
Rosewood News Two men are in the area to hunt wolves. They will use their trail dogs and two greyhounds to hunt them down. Adolph Haugen shot one on Sunday and the sportsmen from TRF have shot two so far.
Rosewood News Mr. Welsh, the wolf hunter, spent last week hunting in this region. His largest greyhound, which was lost during the forepart of the week, was later found dead with a bullet pierced chest on the prairies west of here.
Rosewood News Ted Nelson has fallen victim to the wolf hunting fever and has built a canvas enclosed sleigh with regular machine gun opening on the sides with removable top wide runners, and draw by a team of lightly colored horses. They promise to give the wolves a real chase.
Would you like to buy a wolf hide?
HAS THREE FEET & CLAWS (left rear foot missing). #1 except front of left ear partly bare; few hairs missing from tail. Very nice fur; fully furred abdomen
... $ 225.00 /ea
Canada-- medium light brown; black guard hairs extra heavy winter fur cased --no feet. Fully furred abdomen. #1 except very slightly damaged. #1 select quality fur
... $ 199.95 /ea
How about 1/2 a wolf? Canada; REAR HALF 21" long plus tail medium light gray, black guard hairs some brown undertones extra soft, extra super heavy winter fur; cased no feet. Tail very poor. #1 except fur slightly thin on back. Nice, fully furred abdomen
... $ 55.00 /ea
That helps us think they may have sewn the pelts together to make a coat or a cover for the bed or sleigh. Did anyone eat it? Wolf meat tastes like chicken, and even gives the same nutritional value as chicken, especially to people like Eskimos that live in countries that have extremely cold climates.