Friday, January 21, 2011


Old Trunks remembers that long pick knit stocking cap with a major tassel that dragged on the ground. Of course, I was only eight or so when mother made it for me. It went around my neck twice.

It was the kind of hat you wore when mother rolled her eyes and said, "It is 20 below" better dress warm. That meant the pink stocking cap. It also seemed to mean the air would be still. But in Fargo, it seems to blow like a son of a gun. I am so glad we live in town with lots of houses to act as snow fences.

What I do not remember was being taken to school. We walked. It was only about six blocks as I remember from our house on Arnold Avenue to Northrop School. The school was demolished some time ago and a high rise for seniors sits on the property, although the battered outdoor rink is still on the northwest corner.

Recess was an every day thing. Didn't matter how cold it was; we went out, bundled to the max in warm clothes made for the occasion. Yet, when I think about it now, I wonder if everyone had warm clothes like I did.

There were, after all, no known thrift shops in our town. Perhaps there was an exchange in the neighborhood or amongst families. I know I gave away a few coats and got in trouble for it but when I was older, I did learn people did not have warm clothing. I had more than I needed. Or, as least more than I thought I needed.

Yet, there was something about that long pink stocking cap. I wonder what ever happened to it. I would not have given it away. Have you seen it?


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