Monday, July 16, 2007

M & N but no O!

Malaria IS Malignant sore throat Diphtheria
* Most people are vaccinated against Diphtheria. It is called DPT. P stands for whooping cough. Help me out here, what does the T stand for? Oh ya, I remember: Tetanus just in case a rusty nail got into the crib. Bud had his in two parts. Rachel had her first one and cried and I cried and we called the doctor and he said give her baby aspirin and take two adult aspirin yourself.

Mania IS Insanity

They called in Beatlemania how come it wasn't called PerryComomania or elvis mania?

Marasmus IS Progressive wasting away of body, like malnutrition

Ever watch a dementia person eat? Well, they don't. That is why they are fed.

Membranous Croup IS Diphtheria

*Meningitis IS Inflation of brain or spinal cord
This is so scary to me

*Metritis IS Inflammation of uterus or purulent vaginal discharge

We went to a couple's house for chili one cold winter night. She had metritis. Not even the aroma of the chili could cover the smell. She should not have told us about it when we first came in.

Miasma IS Poisonous vapors thought to infect the air

*Milk fever IS Disease from drinking contaminated milk, like undulant fever or brucellosis

This was my argument for not drinking raw milk.

*Milk leg IS Post partum thrombophlebitis

"Thrombo" means "clot." Phlebitis is inflammation of a vein. Thrombophlebitis (throm-bo-fluh-BI-tis) occurs when a blood clot causes inflammation in one or more of your veins, typically in your legs. On rare occasions, thrombophlebitis (often shortened to "phlebitis") can affect veins in your arms or neck.

*Milk sickness IS Disease from milk of cattle which had eaten poisonous weeds

My second reason for not drinking raw milk.

Mormal IS Gangrene

Morphew IS Scurvy blisters on the body

Is that because they didn't eat enough fruit? "Drink your orange juice or you will get scurvy; drink your milk or you will get rickets".

Mortification IS Gangrene of necrotic tissue

What is necrotic tissue? That means the tissue has died. It is like when Ryen was bitten by the recluse spider while sleeping. We are talking bad scene here folks. At home, in the desk drawer, I have a folder full of information about this terrible type of accident where he and others I knew were bitten. One lady was at her daughter's in Illinois sleeping with her husband on a rarely used sofa bed. Another was kneeling in her garden picking strawberries.

*Myelitis IS Inflammation of the spine

*Myocarditis IS Inflammation of heart muscles

Necrosis IS Mortification of bones or tissue

Nephrosis IS Kidney degeneration

Notice how close in spelling this is to the next on the list.

*Nepritis IS Inflammation of kidneys

This is the acute stage, meaning just started

*Nervous prostration IS Extreme exhaustion from inability to control physical and mental activities

Tried to claim this but was too bored to carry it out.

*Neuralgia IS Described as discomfort, such as "Headache" was neuralgia in head

Wasn't there an aspirin advertisment for this?

*Nostalgia IS Homesickness

Ever go to camp? :). Ever miss someone until your misser is broke?

Nuerasthenia is a neurotic condition characterized by worry, disturbed digestion, attributed to feelings of inferiority.

For those of you who may have a fresh cut, one may consider this colonial method of care.

TAKE A PIECE OF SALT BEEF AND ROAST IT IN HOT ASHES, THEN MAKE IT CLEAN AND PUT IT INTO THE WOUND AND THE BLEEDING WILL STOP. Of course it will stop, by the time it is roast and cleaned it better have stopped. You don't want to know what to do about a bloody nose!

Loving thoughts to all who enter in.



Unknown said...

I can remember Mom telling a story about Grandpa Rye..he had blood poisoning (septicemia)? Doctors weren't close by, even if they were, you don't go to the Dr. for something you can handle yourself. Not only that but, Granpa, Grandma and Oliver DID NOT DRIVE! In my lifetime, Murvin was the only driver at their house. I don't know when it was that Grandpa had blood poisoning...It was spring, that cattle were put out to pasture, Grandpa had this red streak running up his arm, it was swollen and sore. He sent Oliver out to the pasture to get some green cow manure (green from the fresh grass), put it in a gunny sack (burlap) and bring it to Grandpa. When Oliver brought him the sack of $#!+, Grandpa put his arm inside the sack. I don't know how long this "treatment" took, how many fresh sacks of manure were used.. Somehow or another, fresh, green cow manure drew out the poison!
I guess that's what would be called an "old wives tale"..doesn't matter what we call it now..IT WORKED!!!

mully said...

i love your writing, i will visit again.