Sunday, January 11, 2009


Another thing to remember is scrapping is a time consumer and it is more important for you to have the pleasure of creating than it is to file and clean up. No different than cooking, quilting, or any other hobby, right?

It is like when my brother and I used to play Monopoly. The first few rounds went okay but when we started to fight we would toss everything in a box and the next time we would have to sort before we played. Try to keep your die cuts separate from your scraps and file them on a day when you have time or a day when you don’t plan to do a big job.

Personally, I like Video boxes. They stack well, are all the same size, and are strong. Watch for sales. I am also a labeling fool. I am grateful that when I send Tom to the closet to bring down the embroidery box, he can find it because it clearly says what is in the box.

Create a video box for each season and/or each holiday

Write the name of the season on each box/lid or tag with stickers
Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc

Fall, winter, spring, summer

Bag/envelope each set of die cuts within box specific for that holiday, mark with sticker

Make video boxes for
Tickler (things that need to be sorted to others)
Miscellaneous (things that have no other home)

Make video box for all card stock and envelopes
Make a video box to store die cut outs/ store like with like such as birthday wishes

Sort paper according to color
Sort holiday paper separately, starting with New Year and ending with Christmas

Separate card stock from other papers

Sort scraps according to color
Example: If you are sharing the red scraps with pink, and the folder becomes very large, split it into two units.

Sort scraps according to holiday, keep with holiday paper Christmas has separate box.

Think about this: You are in the paper and sticker isle at the store. I know you must have an idea in mind when you pick up those items. Well, I don't but that doesn't mean anything....(grinning)...So, tell me this, if it is a complete idea, why can't you store those items together as a working?

Tomorrow: Part three


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