The picture above is of Emil and Hilda Mellem and their children, Enid, Harlan, and Ervin. Ervin is the oldest, born in 1925, Enid in 1929, and Harlan in 1931.
Emil, 1889, the father was a brother to Nina Anderson Bloom, 1891. Hilda, his wife, was born in 1895. Emil was the eighth child out of twelve born to Pauline and Thorinus Mellem.
Who is this Enid? Why is she being blogged? What does she know that we need to know? Enid is now 78. She has been a big help in identifying the women in the Mellem picture of 1934. When I wrote the “It’s no Bull” blog, she wrote to tell me they did not have a bull on their farm.
She and her husband, Rolland, lived on the Sande farm as third generation small grain and dairy farmers. We lived across the road from their farm. I used bike over with cream cans on the arms of my bicycle to get raw milk for my family, mostly brother Greg who was, as mother said, “a calf”. I didn’t like milk but I liked the Sande family.
I think I would know Enid anywhere. At the time of the farm, she was a mother of four children and helped on the farm. She had beautiful red hair and a great smile. I could understand why my grand parents were so fond of her. In reading old papers, I saw that she did spend time with them. I wondered if that was common. We do know that the Emil Mellem’s and the Benhard Ranum’s lived very close to each other~~One might say they lived on the same side of the swamp.
Enid and Rolland had four children. Gary, the one that liked to grab the cows tails, Lynell, a cute, perky red head, Gail, and Carol The children have had children, and by now, perhaps they have had children. At the time of Rolland’s death their were 15 grand children and 5 great grandchildren.
Evrin, her older brother and his wife, Donna, (nee Hruby), came to visit us in the early fifties when their son, Leslie was little. Leslie couldn’t have been more than 2 at the time and liked playing with trucks on the carpet free floor in the living room. At the time, it was apparent that Ervin and Daddy were close. It is possible that at eleven years difference, Daddy was part of Ervin’s learning curve. I do remember that Ervin was living in Le Sueur working for Green Giant. I liked to imagine he was the poster boy for the HO HO HO commercial. Leslie died in May of 2001.
I caught up with Harlan at the all school reunion a few years ago. He is a darling man with boyish charm. He is highly lovable and is supposed to be the one in the family that knows the genealogy. What do you expect from someone born on Valentine’s Day? Unfortunately, he isn’t great at answering his emails.
What do the papers say about Emil and Hilda and their family?
I think I would know Enid anywhere. At the time of the farm, she was a mother of four children and helped on the farm. She had beautiful red hair and a great smile. I could understand why my grand parents were so fond of her. In reading old papers, I saw that she did spend time with them. I wondered if that was common. We do know that the Emil Mellem’s and the Benhard Ranum’s lived very close to each other~~One might say they lived on the same side of the swamp.
Enid and Rolland had four children. Gary, the one that liked to grab the cows tails, Lynell, a cute, perky red head, Gail, and Carol The children have had children, and by now, perhaps they have had children. At the time of Rolland’s death their were 15 grand children and 5 great grandchildren.
Evrin, her older brother and his wife, Donna, (nee Hruby), came to visit us in the early fifties when their son, Leslie was little. Leslie couldn’t have been more than 2 at the time and liked playing with trucks on the carpet free floor in the living room. At the time, it was apparent that Ervin and Daddy were close. It is possible that at eleven years difference, Daddy was part of Ervin’s learning curve. I do remember that Ervin was living in Le Sueur working for Green Giant. I liked to imagine he was the poster boy for the HO HO HO commercial. Leslie died in May of 2001.
I caught up with Harlan at the all school reunion a few years ago. He is a darling man with boyish charm. He is highly lovable and is supposed to be the one in the family that knows the genealogy. What do you expect from someone born on Valentine’s Day? Unfortunately, he isn’t great at answering his emails.
What do the papers say about Emil and Hilda and their family?
April 1917
Rosewood News Emil Mellem was home from Langdon, ND last Sunday to bid good bye to his friends and relatives before leaving for the military training camp, where he has enlisted as a carpenter.
Rosewood News Nina Anderson received a letter from her brother, Emil Mellem, that morning stating that he had arrived safely in France. Mr. Mellem enlisted last summer.
Rosewood News Emil Mellem, Mrs. Carl Bloom, Mrs. Peter Mellem and Mrs. Hilda Mellem motored to Strathcona last Saturday and from that place on Sunday in company with the Backlund family on a blue berry expedition.
Emil Mellem has been chosen as entertainment committee head for the Farmer's Club
May 1924
Rosewood News There are three new buildings under construction this week. The construction work on the basement for the T Mellem home which will be moved from the present location south of town to the village has began and the work will be continued under the supervision of Gust Opseth, contractor until complete. Work on the basement for the new 24 x 23 frame two story residences for Emil Mellem on his farm adjoining town the east was also begun by contractor, Benhard Ranum. Ranum will be rushed to completion. Benny Ranum is also remodeling his home with an above ground addition and a full 11 x24 basement commencing work the last week.
August 1924
Rosewood News Emil Mellem from Red Lake Falls and Miss Hilda Hanson from Angus were over Sunday visitors at the T Mellem home with other relatives
December 25, 1924
Hanson Mellem Wedding
Emil Mellem of this place and Miss Hanson whose home is in the town of Numedal were united in marriage at the home of Rev. W Drotts at Viking last Monday afternoon and were attended by Mr. and Mrs. WH Hauglid of Numedal, Mrs. Hauglid being a sister of the bride. The newlyweds will make their home at Rosewood where Mr. Mellem has recently completed a new residence on his farm southwest of the town. The community’s congratulations are extended.
July 1925 Rosewood News Emil Mellem is doing road construction near Crookston
October 1925Rosewood News A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Mellem in the Warren hospital.
March 1926
Rosewood News Emil Mellem has been in the hospital in Warren for two weeks with a disease of the skin.
February 1942
A group of young people gathered at the Lloyd Anderson home Saturday evening for string band practice. The following attended: Gene, Betty, and Dorothy Wood, Ervin and Enid Mellem, Chester and Fern Mellem, Oliver and Ilene Rye, Inez Walter Hellquist, Harlan Mellem, Lloyd Rafteseth, and Kermit, Juliette, and Vernon Ranstrom.
Rosewood News Emil Mellem left o Friday for Sherack where he will be employed on road work
1 18 Mr. And Mrs. Lloyd Anderson had visitors last week. Emil Mellem, Enid, and Harlan
March 21, 1940
Ervin Mellem entertained a number of friends at his home Saturday evening. Games were played and at midnight, Mrs. Emil Mellem served a delicious lunch to the group. Those attending were; Adrian, Alton, and Audrey Nelson, Chester Engelstad, Ina and Elna Crown, Alice, Fern, and Chester Mellem, Oliver Rye, Arnold Harvey and Donald Hanson, Wallace and Mavis Anderson, Vernon and Joyce Mellem, Helen, Jean, Betty, and Dorothy Wood, Florence and Victor Hellquist, Gene Hallin, Leona Asasby (sp), LaVerne Bloom, Clifford Rye, Bob Wood and Mrs. Emma Hanson.
May 23 1940
Enid Mellem motors with Benhard Ranum’s to Warren to visit with Mr. And Mrs. Otto Ranum, they also went to Stephen.
February 1942
A group of young people gathered at the Lloyd Anderson home Saturday evening for string band practice. The following attended: Gene, Betty, and Dorothy Wood, Ervin and Enid Mellem, Chester and Fern Mellem, Oliver and Ilene Rye, Inez Walter Hellquist, Harlan Mellem, Lloyd Rafteseth, and Kermit, Juliette, and Vernon Rafteseth.
February 1948
Mrs. Roland Sande and infant son Gary left for their home at Erskine Saturday after having spent a few days with Mrs. Sande’s parents, Mr. And Mrs. Emil Mellem
AprilL 194804 19 Mrs. Carl Bloom was moved back to her house after spending the winter months at the Emil Mellem home
It appears that Nina and Emil were close. She received letters from him while he was in the service. Nina lived with them in the winter while her husband, Carl Bloom was in the san in Thief River Falls.
Emil (4-16-1889 to 1-26-1971) and Hilda (1-6-1895 to 5-29-1988) are buried in South Greenwood Cemetery Block 2, Lot 45, graves 1 and 4. in Thief River Falls, Minnesota.
I have great admiration for these New Solum families. I have not lived in that kind of era where people were connected in such an honorable way. The neighborhood friendships they formed and the help they extended are beyond my wildest imagination.