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What special occasion happened in Rosewood on a windy day? Is Ella wearing a corsage? Why? Was this picture taken the same day the last picture of the boys and the dog was taken? They have the same hair style and are wearing the same clothes. This is a photograph of Lloyd holding Judy, Ella, Sylvia Mellem, Bob, Dorothy, and Dick. Judy, being held, was born in 1944. The back ground show us the grass is high, the poplars are fully leafed, and there is ivy-like weeds in the tree behind Lloyd. Judy looks greater than one but younger than three. If we say she was two and a little, that dates the picture at early fall of 1946. That makes Dorothy 8, Dick 6, and Bob 5. What do you think?
This is Ella Anderson with Dorothy, Sport, and the white cat. Doesn't Dorothy look like she is going to pet the dog? I would not have believe Ella wore her hair so severe, would you? It appears to be taken while there was snow on the ground. Look in the back ground at the bare trees and the white back ground. Remember the spinning wheel picture and how the adults stepped outside for a picture? Notice Ella is not dressed for out door weather but Dorothy is. We know that Dorothy was born in September 1938. We know this was during 'snow time'. I would judge it at about November or December of 1939.
This picture features Dorothy with her dad, Lloyd and the wonderful dog, Sport. Judy wrote to say that Dorothy learned how to walk holding on to him. See the cat in the lower left hand corner? I think this picture was taken at the old Sjoberg farm where the rats would take the dressed chickens off the table.
This is a picture of Dick and Bob Anderson with Sport. There were several pictures taken that day. We do know that Sylvia Mellem was 'home' at the time the pictures were taken. Dick looks shorter in this picture but he is leaning on the dog.
Aren't pets precious?