Jens Prestby returns from serving his country was instantly killed by the lightening while mowing hay on his father’s farm in Kratka Township
Northern Woodwork suffers loss of $10,000 in a fire started by lightening. The building on Knight Avenue near the Great Northern Depot was struck on the southeast corner and followed the wires to the interior.
Han Hermanson, for many years a resident of this city, was instantly killed last Sunday about noon when struck by lightening as he sat reading his Sunday paper at his home west of the city, towards the fair grounds. The bolt which put Hermanson’s life to an end came down the chimney, passing thru the body into an iron bed upon which his feet were placed and out through the opposite wall. Mrs. Hermanson, who was seated only a few feet from her husband when the bolt struck him, was so stunned that she remained in a daze the rest of the day. She is now reported to have recovered completely from the shock, although a little weakened. The bolt of lightening was so violent that the chimney was wrecked and bricks thrown a considerate distance away and several holes were burned in the wall.
Lightening struck at the Minnie Mellem home last Monday night. It first started in an upstairs bedroom and Mrs. Mellem was able to put it out.