One of the many things Oliver did was label pictures. He was the best of all. Twenty some years ago, I copied a picture which was like this one, just taken at a different angle. I always thought the lady with the white hair was Grandma Gertrude Olson. In fact, I was so sure of it, I put it in my digital ancestry file as Gertrude.
It wasn't until I took Oliver's pictures home and started looking at them that I realized it wasn't her at all, it was his cousin, Carrie Dillion.
Now, just how is Carrie Dillion related?
Gertrude and Ole K had several children
Carrie was the fifth born (1887)
She married Charles D Dillion (1877)
They had Linnie (1905)
She married Ivan Knepp
Carrie is the 2nd great aunt of Kelsie Hagen and Jaeme Thomae.
In Oliver's book, crossed out, no date:
It says, "Where cousin Linnie is in hospital" Linnie Knepp, Columbiasia, Ohio and a phone number.
Perhaps the lesson of the day is two fold:
Check with other family members that may have a like picture.
And for US, write the name and date on the back of the photos. I said to my sweet Thomas that I did not intend to go back and scrap book every picture but making sure they were all named might be a reasonable thing to do. Maybe all of us need to take a lesson from Oliver. IS there a speedy way to do it without hiring an intern?