It appears to have been taken at Ella's house at 1206 North Knight Avenue.

Shirley can help us out here. Was it a specific holiday? We know it is a special occasion because the four of you are together and that is special in itself. There is no evidence that it is around a holiday; although Grandma is dressed very, very well. Could it have been her birthday in late October? Is Shirley wearing loose fitting clothing? Is that a clue?
We talked months ago about hair and how women would put a foundation on their head and wrap the hair around it to make their hair look fuller. Is Ella wearing a wig in this picture? Did she wear them often?
Joy to all who have four generations to celebrate.
And Shirley helps us out in this picture by adding:
Mom (in a wig), me (NOTpregnant)!!! and Grandma Rye holding Juanita. Juanita was 4#11oz. when she was born..we brought her home when she was 1 week old at 4# 7oz. J appears to be 4-5 mo. old? I'm thinking it may have been Christmas 1973? J was such a little person when she was small, it's hard to remember! It might've been Vince's 2nd birthday? if it is, Marv Lundeen from the TR Times came over and took pix. (Marv Lundeen took a group photo of all the Hagen generations which was published in the paper).
NO it isn't Vince's 2nd BD..I looked like hell in that picture!
Of course it's taken at Mom's on Knight Ave. Mom used to come home with new wigs when she'd been to see Nora in Spokane.
Maybe it's Christnas 1973? That would make J 4 1/2 mo. old. Now I'm curious..I'll have to look in my albums to see if I can solve this mystery.
With Shirley working on it, you know the mystery will be solved!!!
Thanks, Shirley!