Monday, December 21, 2009


These may not even go together, yet I remember them together.

If we are going to not like a teacher, it is probably best to find a sneaky way to do it or you may wind up with gum on the end of your nose, with the gum on the black board in front of the class for an hour.

Just why those cookies were called Miss Stanford cookies is beyond the children's mother's knowledge. I just know that butter cookies were being made and pressed and were purple and got the name.

I remember it with making cookies for caroling, something the teacher directed in the dark of night, although early, sometime around Christmas. The cookies may have been a post caroling treat. All I remember, as a sponsor it was mighty chilly and the kids weren't following her lead just the way she wanted.

Maybe it was about singing, "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" with your fingers locked and making a swish motion with one's hands on the wish part. Maybe that is where the cookies went. I was there too, saying to the kids with snotty noses wiped with their hands, saying, "Take what you touch" and "One for each hand".

Odd, isn't it the bits and pieces that store within us. A family member of Tom's mentioned they had carolers at their house. No one ever carols on this block. We have a hard time with getting kids to come for Halloween. We are an old block with old people, although the neighborhood is being regenerated in the last few years.

I should not complain about standing in a snow bank in Kansas, considering I come from the north where people went yule a bocking in Rosewood. They would dress up in costumes and everyone at the house they sang at was supposed to guess who they were. They would be invited in for treats before going to the next house. My question was, with Rosewood being so little, who stayed home and who went out to sing on those icy cold nights around Christmas? The answer appears to be lost.

Bake Cookies
Have memories
and sing again.


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